Chapter 2 - All Kinds of People.

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Kamuro Masumi's
Monologue - A Friend.

As far back as middle school, I was mostly alone. Admittingly, I look strict, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm unsocial.

Just that, my past experiences with others were all... Terrible.

Girls who would try to befriend me would be spreading bad rumours the very next day, for the simple fact that they didn't like how I talked to them.

Boys would usually ogle at me, few instances happened where I caught some of them taking pictures of me without consent. "Boys would be boys" A female teacher of mine said.

It's fine for them to be like that as long as they don't involve me.

What a sad reality I live in, never having met someone with similar interests or at the very least someone that could potentially be my friend.

Worse happenings have occured, and that's the general example.

Until, there was a recent change.

At long last, I've met a boy that was unlike any other before. I wouldn't mind us building our friendship slowly... but

He was very peculiar, I felt that an eery air surrounded his whole personality. It might have something to do with his past, and I had no business prodding on it.

For now, I'll see if he's truly not like them.

06:03 AM
Men's dorm

After I woke up 2 hours ago, I immediately went on and did what every healthy teenager my age does at that time.

That is correct. Exercise.

I need to make sure I'm in shape, No matter what time it is.

Physical ability is the best trait I have, I can't possibly afford to let it fade.

My little fight with Ryūen yesterday pushed me to go for higher lengths, I was confident in my high physical, but Ryūen, as much as I'd like to deny it. Overpowered me using his own violence.

Having my fair share of fights, both dangerous and not, it was clear Ryūen's level in fighting is leagues ahead of mine.

"I'll strike him down for sure..." No anger, no malice. I was only determined to take him down when the correct time shows itself.

With a slight creak, I opened my door.

Clad in my uniform, bag on hand.

There's still roughly two hours before class starts, I can't explore the school as a whole in just two hours, that's why I hope to do a lot of exploring today. There are lots of time for me to explore, I needn't rush.

Few students also went out of their rooms, likely to have the same ideas as I had.

Unlike last night, I'll go with the elevator today. I wonder what my classmates did after they got back to the classroom yesterday.

I sure hope I didn't miss anything important. Ahaha...

No, seriously.

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