Chapter 11.2 - Head First

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"Being against evil doesn't make you good." -Ernest Hemingway


The next day.

Kushida Kikyō

I almost vomited from the sheer stress that accumulated as the days passed.

It makes me want to throw up... I'll make sure to expel each and every person that was responsible for spreading those vile rumours.

The ballpoint pen on my hand shook violently, as I wrote some more answers to calm myself down. That Hirata really was trying to be everyone's hero.

Thanks to him and that bitch, the three idiots would be saved from their supposed inevitable expulsion.

Ahh... How infuriating! If there weren't any people I might have as well torn out huge chunks of my hair just from the anger.

Everything was supposed to go well... So why is this even happening...

To me of all people. I'm almost certain someone did this out of spite.

That Karuizawa bitch is suspect too... Though her lackey's mouths were tight lipped, I'm sure most of the rumours came from them.

But then, why? That question doesn't really matter at this point... I'll just have to take care of her sooner or later.

Ryūen Kakeru -

"Why'd we have to follow you?"
He openly scowled, picking up the bag on the side of his desk.

Much like the others, they were breaking orders given to them.

I jammed my fist down the podium, making dents and cracks to this thing.

Lecturing them comes after.

This is happening because of my own mistake, after all. Really, who could have expected a mole under my nose?

And here I thought I was too strict. Time to change plans.

"Boss, should I take care of them?"

Albert's natural movements looked a lot like a violent one, even the mere swinging of his arm was enough to make them freeze up in fear.

How intriguing... He managed to do this all by just one move, one single move.

I immediately rejected the idea that he's working alone. I came to terms of the defeat I experienced, but that doesn't mean it was the end road of the conquest.

Our battle has only just begun after all.

Since after that fight, I 'studied' him thoroughly. Then, not long after,
I came to the conclusion that we were just used.

The class of defectives is immediately out of the group. That only leaves Class-A. It's the perfect moment to strike, and the mysterious person responsible for all this took it.

Maybe they created this moment themselves, maybe not. That only makes them all the more fun to crush.



May 5th, Park.

"I see that you haven't lost your spunk," 

She giggled once, the pieces she moved making a clunk sound.

"Black or white, I don't stand a chance with any. Do I?" I toppled over the white king.

Another defeat. Although this time, I lasted long enough for the game to end at the 54th move. 

We've played around 11 matches to date, I won none, drew none, lost all 11. She and I both knew the quality of our games mattered the most, hence, we only play against each other when I'm at my peak... and yet, no matter the tricks I used, none worked.

"Don't be like that, you almost got me this time," Sakayanagi narrowed her eyes, seemingly recalling our whole game. 

What looked like an accuracy to others might as well be a game changing mistake for her to capitalize on. I'm sure there was one or two inaccuracies I've played, but to me, this is already a huge improvement. Playing the equivalent of 10-16 ACL would've been a dream back then.

Sakayanagi might as well be equal, if not just a little below the "weak" modern-day engines.

"And here I thought I specialized in the endgames." You make me ashamed of myself.

I thought that I was unparalleled when it came down to it, but Sakayanagi somehow always finds a way to crack through my defenses. 

"It's both peculiar and amazing to see the pace that you're improving," 

I met her familiar gaze, she had a particular look that somehow felt nostalgic to me. 

Must be the same look on the first day we met.

She then continued, "Give it a few more games, it's very likely for a draw to occur,"

"You destroyed me again this time, and you're telling me that?" It feels more that she's teasing me than not. 

"Are you familiar with the saying, Jack of all trades, Master of none?" 

I gave her a nod to continue.

"Often better than a master of one. At the rate you're going, I can safely say you can't be defeated by anyone else." Other than me, of course. She mused at that fact.

"That's a fair assumption. You're probably the best in the entire school, I can't deny that."

Chances were that, she's really the best here. Even in the hundreds of students inside, I highly doubt anyone could defeat her, though, drawing is a different story. 

"Sadi-kun, what do you think about making geniuses?" Sorry, what?

"What does that even mean?" Making? Though I initially assumed her to be speaking of selective breeding, her wording is a bit nit picked for that.

"So, you think it's absolutely stupid?" Sakayanagi prodded me to answer. 

As hard as I tried to understand, what she's saying is basically, making not-genius a genius

Which just means trying to make an average person become a genius, which is absolutely stupid.

"Uh, yeah? The most one could do is teach them extensively at a young age, and it's not unheard of. What's unheard of is an average existence morphing into a genius." 

Institutions exist, whether illegal or legal they're there. There's also the fact that the man said to be the smartest in all of history was bred by two geniuses, teaching him from when he was still a child. 

"Fufufu... I know, right? How utterly stupid."

There was something utterly sinister behind her chuckle. I instinctively knew my statement was something like opening the box of Pandora. Confirming something on her end, which is just bad.

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