Chapter 4 - Countermeasures.

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2:39 AM
Boy's Dorm

1st POV

I intentionally slept early last night just so I get the perfect time to research and get some more info about other martial arts.

I wouldn't overextend and get screwed over by Ryūen, nevertheless, I'll be sure to bite back as fast as I could when he starts his attacks.

Normally, I'd ignore his babblings and go on with my life, but my environment this time is different.

Where abilities and overall skills decide your fate, I can't possibly hope to hold my punches here.


The page automatically scrolled through as I copied the movements shown in the screen of my phone.

It's more or less impossible to learn a high degree of most martial arts just by doing this or that, however if it's only the basics... It's possible to pull off the basic skills and hits with talent a little faster than most people.

Which of course, I didn't have. Efforts alone won't get anywhere, therefore, I was stuck in a box. I have had experience in footwork from boxing at a young age but I never developed it to a high degree due to... Youth.

I can copy both the punches and kicks and make it look genuine, though, if I were to fight someone that has more than enough experience they'd know full well. I was heavily relying on the chance of this working on Ryūen.

And it's not all just about physical, I'd need some preparations for some select subjects which I don't do well. To solidify my position in the class, I would need to produce above average results in both physical activities and academics. It needs some serious balancing but I'm confident I can do it.

The rules of this school is both genius and idiotic, it's basically saying: "It's not against the rules if we don't catch you." They're more or less encouraging the cunning and possibly deranged students to do something underhanded. A simple tactic, one that pays off well for the school and students.

A sweat trickled down my cheek as I continued to imitate. If I were to be a copycat, I'd better make sure to see it through the end.

I struck harder at the air, my breathing slowly getting heavy, I threw a roundhouse kick with almost my full force. I tried to go for more but the sudden relapse of memories were enough to make me lose my focus.

"Guess that's enough for now." I chose to end it then and there.

Wiping the sweat in my whole body as I closed and threw the phone on the bed. 47:01 minutes

Even if the rooms are quite spacious, it still restricts some movements for further training.

Maybe a gym would be good? I thought. It shouldn't be too much of a issue knowing that I had a lot of points at my disposal, normally that is.

I have quite a few plans of use to this, that's why I'm quite restricted in spending it on things other than stored food and necessities.

It's still quite a while ahead, even if I roughly calculate my point usage, I'm not going to get reliant on the points that would arrive the next month.

No one knows how much exactly a whole class would get, considering the amount of people in one class, not just that, the way students act outside of the school shouldn't be excluded. Even the best genius won't be able to do this.

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