Chapter 9.2 - Friends.

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"If a woman asks for help, many would lend a hand.
If a man asks for help many would tell him to get a job."
-Guy on YT


"So that's how you dealt with Ryūen,"
Kamuro did a double take before continuing. "That's a little surprising,
I have to admit." I suppose it is.

She's less bothered than I thought she would be, that in of itself is great, so I'm not going to complain.

"He was getting a little annoying, had to make some drastic measures."
I spoke in a nonchalant tone.

Kamuro wants this conversation to be casual and I couldn't ask for a better response.

"Beating him at his own game is sure to give a good hit to his pride, that's smart." She evidently softened up her expression after Sakayanagi left us to our own devices.

"We could say, 'there's always a bigger fish in the sea' his head got too big for his own good, someone had to rake in him the coals. Anyway, have you been good lately?" I tried diverting the topic.

Tried is the key word.

"Hey! We just met earlier, you airhead."

Not gonna work... I even added my own dramatic effect of looking towards the elevator to make it look more convincing...

Only for my hand to get pulled back by this friend of mine.

"Okay but, let's at least move to a more appropriate location." Even if we get seen by others, it didn't really matter all that much.

It's already well-known that I'm friends with Sakayanagi and some influential people on other classes, I'm sure it would whittle down the suspicions my classmates would have after our teachers revealed the class competitions.

"Where, though?"

Though she considered it, Kamuro looked like she was hard pressed on finding a location.

"My room would be the best place, it'd feel off if I were to ask that we use your room." I swear if others hear of this, they'll think I'm planning on some unspeakable things. Seriously,
I could've worded it better than that, couldn't I?

"You're not thinking of anything weird, are you?" Ah, yes. The perfect response.

"No, unfortunately for you. I'm only interested in older women." Ow!

"Hahaha. That's funny, are you implying something insulting?"

Kamuro wore a terrifying smile, had it been any other time I might've taken a picture. But alas, this was her sadistic smile as she did her usual, pinch my sides when she's annoyed.

I really don't understand girls.

"That hurts! And you'd hit me if I said I planned on doing something!" Was it a problem within me or girls in general?

I'm sure it's the latter.

"Oh. So you were planning on doing something." Her pinch got significantly tighter.

Not sure if I got used to it or what, but this doesn't even hurt anymore.

"Someone as innocent as me can't do something so bold." I clasped my hands together as if to look enlightened.

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