Chapter 6 - Afternoon For A Friend.

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4:03 PM
Counselor's Room

"So? What are we doing here again?" Eyes as still as the calm ocean.

My back straightened itself to get a better feel on the sofa.

"Don't worry, it's nothing too big. A little inaccuracy if you could put it that way." Smiling like a quokka, Sensei put a normal chair in front of me.

"If it's about my scores being lower than expected, then I take responsibility. I won't make excuses like I just had few hours to prepare." My eyes stung. Feeling the repurcusions of staying awake last night up until right now.

"Oh, not that. I'd say you did very well." Sensei set down an early ID card, one that had my name written on it. "This thing gets updated every week. It will update itself for over 3 weeks until it's left to the students." She flipped the card on her hand. Flashing the contents of it.

"Now. Those are some scary letters in there." I cracked up. Seeing the consecutive A's in my card.

"A teacher can update this everyday, a student's day to day attitude will, and would always affect this thing right here." Her sleek hand stretched over the table separating us.

I grabbed the card that left her hand.

Academic Ability: A-
Intelligence - A+
Physical Ability - A
Social Contribution - A+

"Are you sane, Sensei?" This was way too early for both her and me. I knew I had time to prepare for this kind of stats, that time is too little.

"I am very much sane. It's just like this: Class B students are like an unopened deck of cards, however we both know the highest cards on it. If they're all of similar value, you, and you alone, stands to be the equal to Ace of Spades." Hoshinomiya-sensei was basically calling me the trump card.

"Ichinose would fit that well. Rather than that, I'd be a better fit for the Joker Card." I skimmed through the sentences written in my card. Surprised at this sham of an evaluation.

"Say, Sadi-kun?" The voice of a succubus registered in my mind.

My instincts were telling me to get out of this room as soon as possible.

"Yes?" I ignored and proceeded to answer the calls of this demon.

"This isn't supposed to go out for until the next month, right?"


"I think I may have released word of the best student this school has ever seen, now even the chairman is interested..." With a tee-hee Sensei hit her head with a rock formed hand.

"This student seems interesting, I'd love to hear of his or her name."
My voice was shaky at best. If this is true then I'm sure to be damned.

"He's the student in front of me." Sensei pointed at the card. Or rather the small figures that my fingers were covering.

"Coming from rough calculations, getting all A's should be rare?" Even the best student in Class-A shouldn't have any higher than the stats I currently posses.

"Not 'rare' only one person achieved that. Which is strangely enough, Nagumo Miyabi." Giggling as if this wasn't a problem, Hoshinomiya-sensei shook on her seat.

"I don't know how I should take this. For now I'll spend most my free time making up on those." My hand gripped the card tightly. If I had second thoughts about this, I would have ripped this thick paper into pieces.

Nagumo Miyabi is supposedly the real deal. Or could he be another fake? Similar to mine, he could have found a way to bloat his scores up. 

"I'm very happy to see you're already putting in effort. As thanks should I let you in on a little secret?" Hoshinomiya-sensei leaned forward to whisper, implying that this little secret must be kept inside here at all cost.

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