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I sat with Rowan outside crying my eyes out. I could hear Negan yelling for me but I was so angry and disappointed that I just didn't respond. Let him look. Fucking lying prick. The sadness turned to being pissed off real quick. I even started contemplating popping some tires but then why should other people suffer too for him. Thats when the idea came to my head. That bat of his, his oh so precious Lucille. Gears started turning my head and I composed myself. Hell there was even a faint smile on my face. I got up and walked out from my hiding spot with Rowan in my arms.

"(Y/n) where the hell did you go? I was worried sick about you! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry darlin please just come back inside." Negan blurted out and he reached to hold me. "You still don't get to touch me." I tell him with a monotone voice. I pet Rowan as Negan straightens his posture. "Only reason I'm even talking to you right now is cause I'm tired. I'm going back to the room. You can sleep on the couch." I put on a smile and he just stares at me. "Who the hell do you think you're talking to?" "Oh I know just whom I'm talkin to." I finish and walk inside. Once I reached the room I put Rowan in his little nest then get in the bed. Negan wasn't far behind. Something in me liked seeing him all apologetic. Oh I'm gonna be dragging this out as long as I can. Closing my eyes I drift into one of the best sleeps I've had since coming here.


When I woke up it was like a switch had flipped in my brain. I stretched and got dressed in one of my moms old dresses.

Once I was dressed I styled my hair just the way I like it and went into the little bag of makeup mom gave me before the fall

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Once I was dressed I styled my hair just the way I like it and went into the little bag of makeup mom gave me before the fall. I never really wore it too much but today felt like the perfect time. I did some (f/c) eyeshadow, cateye liner, mascara, and red lipstick. Finishing up I make sure Rowan has some food and water. Deciding that now would be a great time for a walk I pet Rowan on the head and head out. A smile was plastered onto my face. Something I had learned from my momma.

"Straighten up (y/n), I'm not taking you to town if you keep that look on ya face." I looked at her and straightend my dress and sat up in the car. She lets out a sigh and hands me a tissue. I had been crying cause momma had gotten into an argument with her current boyfriend and I felt overwhelmed. I took it and cleaned myself up. What surprised me was how she just had a smile on her face. It was like that fight never even happened. We pulled up to some bar and she unbundled her seat belt. "Can you pass me that bat by ya feet sweetheart?" I nod and hand her the metal instrument. She gets out and opens my door before kissing my forehead.  Stay in here sweetheart, I'm gonna bring you back some fries k." "Ok." I didn't complain I had my drawing stuff in the back with me. She smiles and walked tword a truck. I recognized the truck as mommas friend Ashley's. Something in me wanted to see what was going to happen so I did just that. She grabbed that bat tight as she could and with a strong swing took out the side window. My eyes widened as she kept on swinging. She then took out her pocket knife and punctured 3 of the tires. Once she was done she took a deep breath and put that same smile on her face before walking into the bar. "Dang." I mutter and keep my eyes plastered to the bar door. A few minutes later mom brought out a to go box and a drink. "Hey baby, look I got you a milkshake." She had bruises on her knuckles. I thank her and take the drink and fries. "Momma are you gonna get into trouble?" "For what?" I sip my milkshake and look at her reflection in the rear view mirror. "See (y/n) if no one says anything, it didn't happen. Understand hun?" "Yes momma."

Walking around outside I stole right over to the gate. I looked up atthe top of it and then around. Shrugging I walk off for a place to sit. "Look who's up." Negan says in a cocky tone. "Needed some air." I shrug and he walks closer to me, Lucille in hand. "Hey Negan, how heavy is Lucille?" I ask curious. He seems to smile slightly and swings the bat around lightly. "Why, thinking of givin her a try?" He asks joking. Lookin at my face be sees that I keep staring at the bat. "It's just pretty is all." I respond. I think Negan must've still been feeling guilty about everything, as he should. He held out Lucille for me to take. "Have a crack at her." He sighs and I carefully grab the bat. It was kinda heavy but felt pretty nice in my hands. Swinging her in the air was kind of fun. But I wanted to break something of Negan's. Looking around calmly I spot a wooden crate. "Hmm." I smile again and walk over to it still holding the bat in my hand. Negan follows asking what I'm up to as I open the creat. Far as I could see it was just some bottles of medicine. Calmly I took them out and placed them on the ground away from the box. Under the the medicine was a couple of guns. I closed the box as Negan asked what on earth I was doing. There were some guns in the box too. Still holding Lucille I make sure the gun is not loaded and then put in on the ground. "(Y/n) don't you fucking dare." I smile at Negan when he says that and raise his bat over my head.

I slammed that bat down as hard as I could and just started to destroy the gun. It got to a point where Negan had his men grab me and hold me back as he got Lucille out my hands. I was kicked and screaming as the men held me. "Let me go! Let me go! Don't fucking touch me!!" I kicked backwards and hit one of the men's knees. I'd feel bad for that later but not right now. He dropped one of my arms and the other man tried to hold me still. I headbutt him and he let go too. I look over at Negan and run at him. With all I had I punched him in the face as hard as I could.

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