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I sigh in defeat and nod. "If you drive part of the way I can walk you the rest." Negan nods and smirks at me. We quickly go over to the trucks and I put my bike in the back of one then sit with Negan. We drive kind of quietly making me feel awkward. I'm not around other people often but you'd think they'd talk more. "Here." I say handing him a broken off piece of cured sausage from my bag.

"Did you make this?" He asks as he drives taking a bite. "Yeah." I  nod and point to a dirt road. "Turn here." The truck turns and I hum again to fill the silence. "You got a pretty voice." Negan says with a chuckle. I blush and freeze. "Thanks, um do you like the sausage?" I ask cautiously. "Hell yeah!" I jump slightly at the sudden volume increase then chuckle. I look at the dirt road and see my split off. "Stop at that turn, gotta walk." He nods and we reach my trail. "You ride your bike all the way up here?" "I guess." I shrug shyly as I get out of the truck grabbing my basket and back pack then grab my bike from the back.

I look to see no other trucks behind us. "I swear I heard more than one." I mutter as I walk my bike up the trail next to Negan. "What was that?" "Hm nothing." I reply as we make our way.


After about ten minutes we make it to my fence with my walkers still stuck on. "That's uh, Brutus and Marco." I nervously chuckle. "You know them?" Negan asks with a chuckle. "Oh heh no, I named them." I smile opening my gate. Negan freezes looking at my little slice of wonder land. "Wow kid, you did all this?" He asks looking around as I close the gate. "Well I inherited it from my grandparents." I smile setting my bike down and going over to my house. "Come on! I got my shrooms! I'm making soup!" I laugh running up to my door.

Negan chuckles as he follows me up. "You get really excited over food don't you?" He asks stepping into the building. I come out of the kitchen wit an apron on and my hair half up. "Mostly mushrooms." I chuckle as I tie the apron and look up to see the man that saved my life. He looks at me and smiles biting his tongue. "You look just like a little stay at home wife." "Well I mean that's kinda my hope in the world right now." I reply walking back into the kitchen. "You coming?" I ask peaking out behind the door way. "I uh don't really like people being up here without me being able to see them." Negan nods and takes off his leather jacket. "Oh hell no." I reply looking at his dirty clothes as he was about to throw his jacket on the couch. I catch the jacket and hang it up on the coat rack.

"Boy you better change into some cleaner clothes, lucky for you I think I have some that might fit." Negan just looks at me confused as I drag him back outside to the bathtub. "You know if you wanted to see me naked you just had to ask." He chuckles as I start filling the bath with warm water. I blush feeling flustered. "W-what?! No! You're filthy and need a bath!" I panic and point to the hanger with an old flannel robe on a branch. "I'm going to turn around when I do I need you to quickly put your clothes on the ground so I can wash them." I explain turning around. I hear him undress and the clothes fall onto the ground before he splashes into the tub.

Quickly and without looking at him I pick the clothes up off the ground and go over to the washing station. Quickly I scrub off his clothes and hang them to dry then go back into the house to get some of my grandpa's old clothes. A black T-shirt, blue jeans, and a flannel to go over the top.

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I place them on the front porch and go back into the kitchen to start dinner making my grandma's mushroom soup and some biscuits to make strawberry short cakes

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I place them on the front porch and go back into the kitchen to start dinner making my grandma's mushroom soup and some biscuits to make strawberry short cakes. "Smells good in here." Negan says walking into the kitchen. "Thank you." I smile not looking at him, I haven't fed other people on so long that it feels nice to be appreciated again. "What you making?" "Well, mushroom soup like I said earlier, but also strawberry short cake for dessert." I explain and feel arms wrap about my waist making me panic and punch him in the nose again. "Ah! Shit! Sorry!" I apologize and here him start laughing. "You really don't like being touched do ya?" Negan asks holding his nose. "N-no not really." I confess going back to the soup. "Um Wanna help me? You can chop up veggies."


After we finish making dinner and the biscuits come out of the oven I smile. "Go sit at the table I'll dish you up." Negan chuckles and sits down as I grab my bowls with mushrooms on them. Pouring some soup into each bowl and grab some home made bread with butter and place everything down on the table. "Wow.." Negan sighs under his breath. "Hope you like it." I smile placing down a couple of spoons. After taking one bite he almost moans and I chuckle. "That is fucking delicious!" He exclaims before devouring the whole bowl plus the bread. I finish eating and take our bowls to the sink. Looking over the sink through the window I see the sun setting. "You might have to stay the night. It's dangerous to make it down the trail right now." I tell him getting some strawberries and placing them into a pot.

"Is it getting late." "Sun's setting if you walked you'd be a goner, trust me..." I trail off and shake my self back to reality. "Shortcakes done!" I smile returning to my usual happy self.

After eating dessert I invite him to sit with me on the second floor of the house. "Sure kid." I swear if he doesn't stop calling me a kid I'm gonna make him walk back. "It's the best view in the house." I smile opening up a window and looking out over the world. "You could say that again." Negan says as I continue to daydream out the window.

"Careful, we don't want you diving head first." Grandpa chuckles taking my hand and spinning me around away from the window. "When is mom coming to visit?" I ask softly. "I don't know baby, but hopefully soon. Now go down and help ma with dinner she's making your favorite." "MUSHROOM SOUP!" I exclaim running down stairs.

"Hey you good there?" Negan asks placing a hand on my shoulder. "Hm? Yeah I'm fine." I reply softly before getting up away from the window. "How about you tell me about where your from since you've seen where I am." I say with a soft smile as I sit on a  recliner. "Well kid I'm what's called a savior." He sighs sitting across from me. "Savior?" I repeat tilting my head. "Yeah we try to save people from dying and give them a place to live." Negan explains and I smile softly. "Sounds nice." I sigh looking to the window. "You should visit sometime." He offers and I internally freak out, but from the look he gives me I must have freaked out on the outside too.

"N-no I could never leave here for more than a couple hours, at most." I explain softly. "Well why not?" He asks as I look down at my feet.

"Do you have to go? We've got everything we need here." Grandma asks grandpa as she helps him pack for a supply run. "I'll be fine, I'm just going to get some medicine in case one of us gets sick. I'll be back before sun down." Grandpa sighs kissing grandma on the head.

"I just can't, I've never been able to." I explain taking a deep breath.

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