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I struggled to get much sleep. Meeting my dad, finding out I had a brother, going to that "sanctuary", and negan asking me to leave with him was a lot to take in one day. Quietly I lit a match and lit up my oil lamp to go down to the kitchen. I can hear Negan snoring as I pass through the living room. Dead asleep. I go into the kitchen and start the kettle for tea. I learned how to make my own tea blends from my grandparents. There was a brown chest like box that held small jars of dried herbs that my grandma would use for her tea. I take a teaspoon of chamomile, a pinch of lavender, and another pinch of mint and put them in a small diffuser. Before the kettle whistles I take it off the stove and pour the boiling water into a coffee cup. Putting the tea in I sit while it steeps.

Am I really going to leave the only home I've ever known? Even for just a week? My index fingers twist together as I think. What if I have to see Rick again? What if Negan gets tired of me? What if something happens to my home while I'm gone? A million thoughts run through my head as I sip the tea. Memories of my life in this house fill my mind. Making pies with my grandma. The rare visits from my mom. Learning how to gut fish with my grandpa and pan frying them together. The three of us never wasted any of an animal. Grandpa loved deer heart and would even let me try when I was small.

But those days are gone now. I sip on my tea and look around the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie, what you doin up so late?" Grandpa asks placing his hands on my shoulders as I sat looking at the door. "I miss mom." I answer with a shaky voice. His eyes showed a flash of sadness. "I know sweetie. But remember she's working so you can have everything you need." He sighs sitting next to me. "Grandpa." "Yes (y/n)?" I look over at him with tears in my eyes. "Please never leave." "Hey," he envelopes me in a hug. "I'm not going anywhere. Neither is your grandma. We're gonna all be together forever." Tears fall down my cheeks as he pats my hair. "Dont you worry child."

I snap out of my thoughts and while tears from my eyes. Walking into the living room I see negan still sleeping. "Please don't let me down." I whisper and kiss his head softly.


Waking up I feel a strange empty feeling. The house was dead quiet. I crawl out of bed and start packing up some clothes into one of the old suit cases. In another bag I pack up a few records and my player. Throwing some clothes in a bag I put on the out fit for the day.

I hold my hat and let out a small sigh

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I hold my hat and let out a small sigh. I'm really doing this. Grabbing my bags i walk down the stares. Negan was already walking around and smiled when he saw me. "Morning kid! Ready to go?" I can't help but smile at him. He grabs my bags and sets them by the door. "How about some breakfast before we hit the road?" I ask as Negan smiles at me. He picks me up and spins us around. The two of us go into the kitchen and I start to prepare a small breakfast. "Remember yiu can come back here anytime you want. I'm not going to keep you there anymore than you want to be there." Negan says with a soft tone. I would be lying if I said that didn't make me feel better.

I plate some eggs and toast for the two of us with some tea. He holds my hand in a reassuring way and I can feel weight start to come off my shoulders. "Can I bring some food with me? I would hate for it to spoil." I ask. Negan smiles and holds my face. "Sure thing doll. You bring as much as you want. Hell bring that bike of yours!" He laughs and I let out a soft chuckle. As we finish our food I finish up packing. We grabbed my picnic basket and put the food in it. Taking one last look at the inside of the house I take a deep breath and let it go. "Ready kid?" Negan asks double checking. I look over to him and smile softly. "Yeah, I think I am." This house would always be here. And like he said, I can always come home when I want. With that Negan and I load my bags into the truck. "Oh! Wait one second!" I exclaim and run over to my walkers. "Here boys, I'll be back soon." I smile feeding them some sausage. Finally I hop into the truck as Negan puts my bike int the back. Goodbye home.


Negan holds my hand as we drive. He tells me about all the things he has planned for us to do. I can't help but smile and laugh. I don't know what it is, but it's like when I'm with Negan I can't help but feel lighter. He hums a song as he drives us closer to the sanctuary. I rest my head on his shoulder and feel my eyes slowly close.


"Hey doll, wakeup we're here." Negan says softly shaking me awake. I rub my eyes and look up at him with a sleepy smile. "Let's get you all situated." He smiles and kisses the top of my head.

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