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╔═════_═════╗This chapter contains sexual contentREADERS DISCRETION IS ADVISED ╚═════_═════╝

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This chapter contains sexual content

YOU DIDN'T LEAVE the Sano household even though you want to, Mikey's grandfather insisted that you stay. He was worried that your mother might get mad at your current state, not knowing it was your mother's doing.

"Mikey, let's have sex," you stated bluntly as you stared at Mikey, the two of you are in his room; where you have been staying for the past weeks, hearing what you said made Mikey snort.

"Sure, that is if you can keep up," he said making you smirk while you watch him take off his shirt, you stood up from his bed and sits in his lap.

"I should be the one saying that." pulling him for a kiss, his hands wander around your curves as you ran your hands to his muscles, you then felt his hand squeeze your breast; making you let out a quiet moan in the kiss.

"You're already hard, Mikey," you stated a grin plastered on your beautiful face as you pull away from the kiss, pushing Mikey to lay on the bed as you sat on top of him. You began rubbing your clothed privates together despite the fabric you were wearing you could still feel how big and hard Mikey was.

"what a nice view." a smirk was present on his face as Mikey grabbed your hips and grinds them against his making you moan lowly.

Taking off your shirt while you continue grinding on Mikey, seeing you not wearing anything underneath made his smirk widen.

As the two of you are now completely naked you could feel Mikey's hard dick between your folds, slowly sitting on his dick. Mikey's dick entered your soaking pussy, bareback.

"damn... Still so tight..." mumbling as he stared at your connected genitals, Mikey licked his lower lips at how sexy the situation was. You were riding and moaning on top of him, you didn't even pay him any attention it's like you are pleasuring yourself using his dick making him want to tease you.

"Y/n...put your knees up... Haah....and lean back..." As you do so, it just shows Mikey clearly how you took him in.

"m-mikey...umhm...nnghh..." Feeling the soreness of your legs for keeping that kind of position as you move up and down, Mikey started taking the lead, he roughly pushed down your hips meeting his pelvis his dick going much deeper inside you.

With tears in your eyes and your tongue lolling out Mikey continue on thrusting inside you as you sit in his dick while he was sucking your nipples and flickering it with his tongue inside his mouth.

"you...look so...mmh...haah...lovely my y/n." you couldn't even comprehend what he was saying, the pleasure you're feeling is too much for your body but you are oblivious to that.

Coming for the umpteenth time, Mikey bit your chest leaving a bitemark as he also come inside you.

kissing you on the lips as he pumped his remaining seeds, you sucked on his tongue asking for more.

"Just...one...more...p-please," you begged him, but unfortunately for you, Mikey knew the pleasure was too much for your body and it was obvious that you can't go for another round because if he did you will surely break.

"if you wake up early I'll give you more," Mikey stated as he looked at your hazy state, you just gave him a low hum and soon later he heard your soft breathing, signaling him you have fallen asleep.

Standing up he goes directly to the bathroom connected to his room.

After Wiping your body with a wet towel he struggled on putting his black tee shirt on you since you wouldn't wake up no matter how much he moved your body, after cleaning and putting some clothes on you he too fall asleep beside you spooning you.

After Wiping your body with a wet towel he struggled on putting his black tee shirt on you since you wouldn't wake up no matter how much he moved your body, after cleaning and putting some clothes on you he too fall asleep beside you spooning you

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