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YOU WOKE UP at late afternoon only to see mikey sitting on the other couch as he watched you intently

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YOU WOKE UP at late afternoon only to see mikey sitting on the other couch as he watched you intently.

"What the hell are you doing here so early in the morning?" you asked rubbing the sleepiness away from your eyes as you sat up on the couch.

"Taiju called." mikey answered briefly while you looked at him with a look that says 'and?'

Mikey looked at you, hesitating for a moment but he decided to speak up and tell you what he found out for your own good, "H-he's cheating on you y/n..."

You shot him a glare and stand up from the couch you were sitting on as you slap him across his face, "That's low mikey... Even for you. I know you might be upset that I rejected you, but isn't this too much? Taiju have loved me for the past two years mikey... I don't want to hate you... So please don't make me." you muttered as you pushed him away and ran upstairs and into your room slamming the door roughly for all to hear.

Mikey chased after you and knocked on your door while he called out you name multiple times." Y/n! Open the fucking door!"

"Taiju called last night and I picked it up... I was expecting his voice but heard sae's voice instead." mikey confessed behind your closed door while you just lay on your bed as you buried your face on your pillow.

Getting up from your bed you opened the door for mikey as you stated, "If that's true... Show me a proof then."

Both of you walked down the stairs and then entered the living room, mikey made you sit beside him as he took out his phone and as he played the recording your heart shatters and you broke down into tears.

"Why is everyone doing this to me? I never did anything wrong... I-I just wanted to move on from you... I just wanted to felt love and be treated like the way I want to be... Ever since baji left... All I have been doing is nothing but cry... Won't you just let me smile even if it's just for a little while?" you muttered as you covered your face with your hands, there were too much tears that was falling into your eyes that you could barely keep sobbing and it broke mikey's heart to see you like this.

The once sarcastic, annoying and funny y/n is nowhere to be seen, it was replaced by a shattered and emotional y/n who have been through so much and lost a lot of people she cared for. Thinking of how much pain he caused you mikey began to feel like the shittiest person to ever lived.

How dare him make you suffer than you already are?

How dare him make fun of your past feelings?

How dare him called you clingly when you needed him most.

And most of all how dare he say that you're not worth it when you're worth is more than thousand of diamonds and gold.

"I'm so sorry... I'm sorry y/n... I'm sorry for making you think like you're not worth it... I'm really sorry." mikey said as tears started falling onto his cheeks and cascading down his chin while he gives you a comfortable tight hug, you buried your face on the crook of his neck as you once again let everything out.

" mikey said as tears started falling onto his cheeks and cascading down his chin while he gives you a comfortable tight hug, you buried your face on the crook of his neck as you once again let everything out

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You fell asleep on mikey's chest from the amount of crying you had, but for mikey it must have been because of what you've been through the past few months, your probably not mentally stable right now.

Mikey caressed your hair as you laid on his chest, light snores coming out of your mouth as you snuggle closer to his warmth.

Moments later there was a sound of the front door opening and closing then seconds later sae stood in all her glory as he looms over you and a smirking mikey.

"My job is done you douche bag, now pay up its 100,000 yen you fucker." sae demanded as he lay her palm infront of mikey's face, mikey just scoffed and hand her a cheque while he lovingly kiss your hair.

"I feel sorry for the poor girl... Having someone as you as her pursuer. Someone as obsessed as you..." the girl sighed as she leave the house after getting her money.

"you're mine now love... Hah... I should have done this sooner." mikey muttered as he gives your slightly agape lips a peck after that he goes back to hugging you, sometimes placing kisses on your cheek, eyebrow, eyes, nose and forehead.

"You're my precious toy after all, I'll never let you go again..."


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