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"WHAT A SURPRISE" mikey stated, with a grin on his lips as he picked the bacon that was still on the pan and brought it to his mouth

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"WHAT A SURPRISE" mikey stated, with a grin on his lips as he picked the bacon that was still on the pan and brought it to his mouth.

"Mikey..." Taiju muttered quietly with his gritted teeth, you timidly stood out of the way as the two looked at each other intensely.

"Why is someone who is a cheater and a two faced doing here." mikey coolly stated. Taiju turned silent as mikey smirked triumphantly at taiju' sudden quietness.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP MIKEY!!" Taiju yelled as he ran where mikey is and punch mikey right on the middle of his face, you even heard an audible crack which was probably mikey's nose.

"Why should I? Isn't true? In sae's recording of you talking to her about my lovely girl you mentioned how it annoyed you that my wonderful y/n is a depressed bitch, but there was more." mikey's statement and harsh words made your chest ache, even if you didn't really love Taiju the way you did with mikey it still hurts you to hear such revelation because you still liked the guy and he was so so kind.

Mikey kicked Taiju's temple making the latter fall onto his knees from dizziness.

"You also said that... Y/n disappointed you because she was not a virgin when you first had her, what an idiot... Just because she wasn't a virgin your dissatisfied with her? You see, I might be like this but I have high respect to women. So what if y/n is a virgin or not? If you truly love her you should have still respected her. " mikey pulled a portion of Taiju's hair and gave him an uppercut punch.

You look down at the floor, unmoving while two grown men fought in front of you, its not like you want them to but you thought that it would be a good idea if they fought each other than you arguing with two men furthermore it will also serve as your revenge for them since they dare mock you by lying to you, especially mikey, he really got you twirling around his palm.

It must have been fun for him. He probably made fun of me for being an idiot while he fed me with his lies that I foolishly believed, how pathetic of me.

As the two men duke it out with each other while they threw each other some insulting and provoking speech you left the scene and walk out of your house and stride your way towards a place that can calm you and help you get your thoughts together which was baji's grave.

Pouring some clean water on baji's gravestone to wash out the dust and dirts as you crouched on your knees.

"Hey... I miss you baji, " you started, little droplets of tears immediately started falling down your e/c eyes as you quickly wiped your tears with the back of your palm.

"I've been a mess this month, you see..." you looked up at the blue sky and then back at baji's grave as you tried to smile.

"I wish you were here, if you were I bet I wouldn't be such a mess as I am now. You... You always have a way for fixing broken things and people." you gave a bitter chuckle at the end.

"Although you're quite boorish as some might say, you just probably had a hard time expressing yourself and I really love that about you." you mumble the last part as you laid your cheek on your knees.

"I'm starting to hate mikey... He was being controlling again, to the point that it's unbearable to trust him. Alot of what ifs keeps going on my mind that I can't even comprehend." you finally blurted the reason why you were in his grave.

"I know mikey have always been like that— that's one of the reasons why he's the captain of toman— but it's scary, both mikey and my thoughts." you muttered as you raised your head that was laying on your knee and started to pull some overgrown grass just to distract yourself from your thoughts.

"I'll visit you again, if ever I come back to Tokyo." you stated as you stood up from your crouching position and then dipped your head to give baji's gravestone that have his name engraved on it a kiss, something you wished that you gave him when he was still alive and standing close to you.

With that said and done, you walk your way to your house with the thought of leaving Tokyo.

With that said and done, you walk your way to your house with the thought of leaving Tokyo

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