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╔═════_═════╗Trigger Warning:BullyingREAD AT YOUR OWN RISK╚═════_═════╝

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Trigger Warning:

ARRIVING AT THE rooftop where you and yuzuha had lunch earlier, you saw the eight people who has been making your school life difficult for the past two years.

"You made as wait, y/n-chan." at the center of those eight people, the perpetrator sat on top of a table. Looking all smug and probably thinking that he looks fucking cool because of the amount of people who follows him.

Walking towards them and standing a good distance away from them, you were immediately punched in your stomach. You're now on your knees as you clutched your stomach trying to dull the pain by pressing on it, but it was no use.

"Eh... You didn't brought any money with you?" you were kicked like a doll making you lay on the gray cement of the rooftop, you tried to stand up but your stomach was stepped by the perpetrator, a cigarette was placed between his lips a he bends down and gripped your cheeks and squeezed it.

"Seriously, you didn't bring any money? Hah! You're defying me now y/n." feeling the hard sole of his shoes bury on your stomach you almost yelled out of pain but stopped yourself while some of the cigarette ashes were falling on your face which irritated you greatly.

The bastard got some balls to damage you physically as of late since he must be thinking that Taiju got tired of you.

"Heh...Fuck you Shion." spitting on his cheeks your received a punch on the cheek as he beats you several times while you laid there motionless. Your face bloody from numerous little cuts and from coughing out some blood. We're you stupid for doing that? Yes you are, but you're the type that if someone did something to you, you would pay it back fully with interest.

"I will let this slide today." he muttered as he left, his minions and his sluts following after him as one of them give you a few kicks on the stomach.

"Fuck... I think I broke my tooth." chuckling as you stand up, rain started to pour washing away the bloods on the cement but not the already dried blood on your face.

You wobbly made your way out of the rooftop while clutching your stomach, it also looks like you sprained your ankle making it hard for you to walk.

You wobbly made your way out of the rooftop while clutching your stomach, it also looks like you sprained your ankle making it hard for you to walk

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"What the fuck?!" arriving at Kokonoi's doorstep with your drench and bloody appreance, Kokonoi shrieked at you.

"Shut the hell up, Koko its not like this is my first time coming here with this Halloween look." you muttered while removing your shoes.

"Damn... Someone fucked you really hard that you sprained your ankle." he sassed while you removed your clothes in his doorstep, not like he would get a hard on since his gay.

"Your stay here will be atleast ¥100,000." he said with his palms laid out for you to put your cash.

"Do I look like I have a cent?" you sarcastically asked as you walked towards his room with only your underwear.

Rummaging his drawer for some clothes that will fit you in which you found a panda printed tee shirt.

"You have a new set of bruises and cuts, that's different than what madarame inflicted to you, even if I'm an idiot I can tell so don't even think about lying y/n."

Wearing the clothes you got from his drawer you just looked at him and chuckled.

"Don't asked then, it's like you want me to remember something I want to forget." you stated as you patted his back since you were unable to reached his shoulder because of your height difference.

"I'm just worried."

"you don't need to, all you need to do is tell me we're your boss is."

Walking towards the bathroom to wash your bloody face with kokonoi following right behind you.

"I should patch you up first, he'll go crazy if he sees his fuck doll got beaten up."

"Oh, don't mind. I came like this not for you to patch me up, I actually want to let Taiju see me all beaten up."

"Okay fine, he's already at the usual place, he also said that you should wear this." handing you a box as you wipe your face with a clean white towel, as soon as you opened it you laughed maniacally while pulling out the clothing inside, if it's even classified as a clothing.

"Fucking sick bastard."


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