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BY THE TIME you arrived, Taiju was no longer there and your house was a mess as for mikey you don't know where he went and you don't care

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BY THE TIME you arrived, Taiju was no longer there and your house was a mess as for mikey you don't know where he went and you don't care.

I won't care about you anymore, just like how you didn't care about me when you toyed with me multiple times.

You strutted your way towards your room as you opened the door to your room you were greeted by mikey— sitting on the edge of your bed with his head bowed down as he slowly looked up, his pitch black eyes meeting your e/c ones. Both of you just stared at each other for a moment and mikey decided to speak up.

"I'm sorry about what sae and Taiju did to you, although it was my plan... But atleast you found out that Taiju isn't the kind of man he portrayed himself to be." mikey stated and it was something you found utterly irking.

Really? That's all? No 'I'm sorry' whatsoever? You thought, feeling hopeless as you look at mikey who have a triumph look on his face and it was... Utterly disgusting.

With a forced smile you beamed "You're totally right! I shouldn't be thinking of such trash of a man." you kissed mikey on his cheeks making the latter's lips pull upwards at your gesture.

"Ah! By the way I prepared breakfast, you eat first I'll wash up since I feel kind of sweaty from walking outside." you uttered with a light chuckle as you pretended to wiped a sweat on your forehead and with that you walked on the other side of your room where the bathroom was, leaving mikey baffled by your action.

Y/n's being overly cheery, weird. With that in his thought mikey left you to do your thing and as you heard the door of your room closed your smile drop and your lips formed into a thin line as you wiped your lips with your palm, hating the lingering feeling of mikey's cheek against your lips.

Mikey was downstairs watching something on the TV while you were left in your room together with your thoughts

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Mikey was downstairs watching something on the TV while you were left in your room together with your thoughts.

Mikey said something about a recorder when Taiju and sae fucked. You started think about the event that transpired earlier as you recall what mikey said.

"Should I ask mikey or should I find it myself?" you murmured while you laid on your bed with your head laying on your folded arms. "But what if he doesn't want to? Want if he's lying about that just to taunt Taiju?" at this point you're just having a full conversation with no one but yourself and you find it comforting.

You immediately stopped murmuring as you heard your door opening and you saw mikey with a smile on his face.

" Come downstairs y/n, I have something to show you."

"what is it?" you asked, as you sat up from laying down.

"the recording of Taiju insulting you of course."

It has been three days since you listened to taiju's voice in the voice recorder and you still couldn't believe he said all of that so easily about you

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It has been three days since you listened to taiju's voice in the voice recorder and you still couldn't believe he said all of that so easily about you. Mikey did everything he can to atleast cheer you up, he even started doing the house chores and he would also cook sometimes though it's not as good as your cooking, it made you smile seeing the effort mikey is putting just for you, even doing things that he wouldn't usually do just to cheer you up.

Despite all of that you can't seem to forget taiju's hurtful words towards you being emotional and overthinking things.

The thing you hate the most is that he called you a "Clingly whore".

You don't even remember being clingly towards him, sure you would sometimes cuddle with him but he initiated that. If anyone is clingy it's him.

Currently mikey is out of the house which made you ecstatic since you can finally leave without him noticing, you even have your baggages ready it was just under your bed. You also have enough time to leave since you're sure mikey will arrive later than usual.

"I have enough money to travel from here to tohoku, the main problem is... Will he take me in?" you asked yourself as you started getting dressed while you pulled out your luggage under your bed and you're all ready to go. You descended the stairs and opened the front door, what you had with you was two luggages and a backpack as you walked out of the house you spotted a cab and you waved your hand aggressively to catch the attention of the driver which it thankfully did as it stopped just infront of you. The driver hurriedly walked out of the cab after he opened the trunk to help you put your luggage inside the trunk. After a minute or two of putting the luggage in the trunk you hopped on the the and sat at the backseat as you removed the backpack on your back and placed it infront of you.

In a certain person thoughts he have been wondering about something, with his head resting on his arms while he stares at the ceiling of his dimly lit room, he was in his own world.

If mikey-kun falls on his dark impulses then y/n-san would've stopped it? I mean y/n-san looked liked a nice person?

Even him is doubting if what he just thought was right.

But y/n-san is... "Wait, wait, wait!"
He whisper-yelled as he suddenly sat up from his bed.

"Y/n-san is not in the future! I-I need to go to Naoto to confirm this!" he yelled loudly as he came to a conclusion and him being so clumsy he feel of the bed face first with his other lower half still of the bed.

"Takemichi! It's fucking 2am don't make some noise if your fapping for God's sake!" takemichi's mother yelled from downstairs as Takemichi got up and laid on his bed again this time he was determined to know why y/n isn't in the future.

"Y/n-san needs to be in the future. She will be the one to keep mikey-kun in place." and with that final thought Takemichi fall asleep peacefully.

" and with that final thought Takemichi fall asleep peacefully

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