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Takemichi was sitting on one of the swing at the local playground of the town, he was pondering of places where you could be in.

Certainly not the juvie, visiting hours was over hours ago. The cemetery perhaps? No I don't think so, mikey-kun might've been there already.

Left with his thoughts running wild, he did not notice the silhouette on the shadows that was slowly approaching him from behind.

It was just a light tap on the shoulder, a tap was all it took to startle Takemichi out of his wits and had him yelling for help from no one in particular.

"So damn fucking loud, Jotaro." the familiar voice and way of speaking plus the only one who would call him ridiculous name that were not his own. He almost cried when he saw you standing behind him with your arms crossed over your chest while you stood nonchalantly.

"Y/n-san!" he almost bawled at the sight of your whole being which irks you a terrible amount and had you question your own decision.

"Where were you? Mikey-kun is going crazy since—"

"Don't ever tell anyone about me or else... You won't be able to handle the consequences." you tried to sound as threatening as possible in which you did since it looks like whatever it may be can scare the hell out of Takemichi.

"But Y/n-san if you leave Tokyo you could die!" He blurted out without meaning to and he regrets it the moment he noticed the looks on your eye.

"How would you know? Hmm?" you weren't proud of your talents or your taste in man since they're basically thorns that hurt you, but if you're proud of one thing it's your instinct and how sensitive you are to things that you would notice some of the little details that others don't pay attention to.

Ever since you laid your eyes on this bleached haired boy, your instinct was telling you that something was wrong but it didn't feel like it's a bad thing then so you ignored it and befriended the guy.

"I-I just had a... a dream of you dying yesterday... If you left Tokyo." even his excuse sound ridiculous to him and takemichi's nerve was telling him to run for his life but he didn't. He couldn't move because of the pressure you're putting on him.

"What a dream to have... Just when I'm about to leave, don't you think it's too much of a coincidence."

"It's really a dream I had y/n-san!"

The guy was on the verge of crying to defend something that isn't true, but who cares? Your instinct wasn't telling you anything that this guy will harm you, instead it's telling you to trust the guy and trust him you did.

" Sure, so where should I go?" you asked, amusement circling those e/c irises of yours.

"I don't know?"

What the fuck.

You were about to reprimand him when the phone on your pocket vibrated indicating that someone sent you a messsge.

The Shiko Shiko Hotel have been set on fire by a number of anonymous teenagers, the town police are currently doing a search party for the victims.

The message read with a few pictures of the hotel on fire and you look at takemichi who was warily looking at you.

"Well, I think it's good for me to leave tonight." you stated as you hand takemichi your phone,his eyes would have bulge out their socket if they could.

"I guess you just saved my life, Senzuri."

//I was laughing so hard when I made the name for the hotel shiko shiko and y/n calling takemichi "senzuri" was the cherry on top HAHAHAHA

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//I was laughing so hard when I made the name for the hotel shiko shiko and y/n calling takemichi "senzuri" was the cherry on top HAHAHAHA.

for those who doesn't know the shiko shiko thing... It's basically the sound of masturbation when you read manga and senzuri is the Japanese word for male masturbation which means a thousand rubs.

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