하나 [Hana]{One}

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Authors Note: I love Seo Jun and just want him to have his happy ending. 

I'm prefacing this by saying that I haven't read the webtoon and I'm basing this fanfiction and any future fics I write on the drama. Also, I need more Seo Jun fics in my life so here I am writing my own.

Authors Note 2: I hated the last 2 episodes, apart from the happy ending everything else was rushed and a mess. 

This is AU because Su Ho and Ju Kyung didn't break up and are now in a long-distance relationship. This takes place after Su Ho and Soo Jin have left the school.

Being asked to go and see Han Ssaem wasn't new, since Lee Su Ho and Kang Soo Jin had left Saebom, you were Han Ssaem's go-to person in terms of figuring out the mood of the class

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Being asked to go and see Han Ssaem wasn't new, since Lee Su Ho and Kang Soo Jin had left Saebom, you were Han Ssaem's go-to person in terms of figuring out the mood of the class.

It didn't make sense to you, most people in class 2-5 didn't even know you existed or that you were in Class 2-5 and had been with these same people since the beginning of High School.

This is probably why Han Ssaem thought you were the perfect person to ask about the inner workings of the class, you were there but never took part in the madness that was being in Class 2-5.

Making sure there weren't issues in his class became a priority after the reveal of Lim Ju Kyung's make up less face, Han Ssaem never wanted any student of his to feel like they couldn't come to him or for someone to suffer silently.

Reaching the Teacher's Room and going to Han Ssaem's desk, you were surprised to see Han Seo Jun standing there. You stand next to Han Seo Jun and wait for Han Ssaem to reveal why you're here and why Han Seo Jun is there too.

He smiles brightly at you and Han Seo Jun. You just nod politely while Han Seo Jun looks bored and his regular resting bitch face was kind of scaring you. He was one person you didn't want to anger, and he clearly didn't want to be there.

"Well, Seo Jun, the reason you are here is that your grades have been dropping a bit and I believe a little bit of help will do you good" Said Han Ssaem to Han Seo Jun before he turned to me.

"That is why you're here YN, I would like you to tutor Seo Jun in most subjects until the end of the year," He said to you smiling, you were shocked.

You didn't know what to say, this was not what you thought Han Ssaem wanted when he told you to meet him at the end of the day. Your mind was whirling with all the ways this could end in a disaster.

Once it's sunk in for him, Han Seo Jun just shakes his head and glares at Han Ssaem, well there's his answer. Maybe if he was so against this, then you'd be able to get out of it too, this was probably the only time where Han Seo Jun's reputation comes in handy.

Unfortunately, you thought too soon because the Vice Principal had come out to see Han Seo Jun glaring at Han Ssaem.

Had declared that Han Seo Jun would be tutored if he wanted to be able to graduate, without being held back a year. If he still didn't want to be tutored, then he was happy to expel Han Seo Jun.

Han Ssaem laughed awkwardly at what the Vice Principal said but still looked at Han Seo Jun hopefully and quite reluctantly Han Seo Jun nodded his head and just walked out of the room.

Han Ssaem looked at you, motioning at you to follow Han Seo Jun, you stare blankly at Han Ssaem before sighing and walk quickly outside to catch up with him.

"Yah Han Seo Jun, I don't want this any more than you do but just work with me please" You shout at Han Seo Jun from one end of the corridor. He turns and glares at you, shakes his head and just carries on walking.

Great, now you were going to have to figure out a way to get Han Seo Jun to co-operate with you. This was not going well, and you doubted it would even once the tutoring started. Sighing you started making your way to the classroom where you'd left your bag.

Once you get to the class you see Lim Ju Kyung still there writing something in her notebook. Ju Kyung looks up at you, smiles at you then carries on writing. Lim Ju Kyung was probably the nicest person in the class and once you'd picked up your things you went to Jukyung's desk and tapped her shoulder.

She looked up at you and took her headphones out of her ears smiling at you and starts to pack up her things.

"Hi YN, are you okay? Normally you've left school by now". You smile at her, waiting for her to finish packing up her bag and start to walk with her out of the classroom.

"Yep, Han Ssaem wanted to tell me and Han Seo Jun that I'm tutoring him, only for Han Seo Jun to disagree and the Vice Principal to threaten him, he just walked out and proceeded to ignore me when I tried to work with him," You told Ju Kyung as you walked, Ju Kyung linked arms with you and nodded her head before sighing when she heard at Han Seo Jun's reaction.

"You know, Han Seo Jun is one of my best friends. I can tell him to co-operate with you and if that doesn't work then I'll tell his mother and we'll get him to not only co-operate and even be nice to you" Ju Kyung said as you got to the bus stop by the school and sat on the bench to wait for your bus.

You smile at Ju Kyung, she really was the sweetest person. You often wondered how she and Han Seo Jun ended up becoming best friends.

Especially when her boyfriend Lee Su Ho was enemies with Han Seo Jun at least they had been until Lee Su Ho left for America and they had apparently buried the hatchet.

It wasn't weird to Han Seo Jun and Ju Kyung comparing the things that Lee Su Ho had sent them from America.

This generally consisted of Han Seo Jun complaining about how Lee Suho sent Ju Kyung better gifts because she was his girlfriend, and he was so whipped for her that he sent his best friend random rubbish that he didn't even need.

Just as you are about to reply, you see your bus coming so you start to search for your bus pass and stand up to get the bus. As it comes you turn to Ju Kyung.

"Thanks for the offer Ju Kyung, I would really appreciate it if you could convince him, he doesn't even have to be nice about it, I can figure out a way to deal with that," You tell her as you go to get on the bus.

Once you've found a window seat you wave at Ju Kyung who waves back and shows you her phone, indicating that she will message you.

You smile and nod your head at her.

You smile and nod your head at her

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