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After the drama that was Hae Sung giving you a basket of chocolates

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After the drama that was Hae Sung giving you a basket of chocolates. The rest of the day was quite boring, the end of the day came. You were happy to be finished with school for the day, now was book club time and you were excited about it.

As you left the class, Hyun Ji linked arms with you. She was excited about the book club meeting. You smiled when Cho Rong and Song Si Woo joined the two of you. You all walked together to the classroom where you held book club meetings. With Hyun Ji turning around to throw insults at Si Woo and him throwing just as many good insults back at her. You and Cho Rong just smiled at these two.

Once you got to the classroom. You opened the door and let everyone, who had been waiting outside in. Letting everyone settle in, you and Cho Rong started to set up the computer to show the compulsory book club powerpoint presentation. As you were waiting for the computer to switch on, you saw Seo Jun enter.

Confused you turned to Cho Rong; he just shrugged his shoulders but before you could question. He turned to focus on the computer and ignored you poking him. Sighing, you went to the table where Seo Jun was sitting with Hyun Ji and Si Woo. The table where you and Cho Rong would also sit.

Seo Jun smirked when he saw you walking towards him, that slightly confused look on your face was hilarious. He really wanted to laugh out loud but, knew that would ruin his bad boy image in front of Hyun Ji and Si Woo. He almost felt embarrassed about laughing in front of these people who didn't know him all that well, Hyun Ji was his classmate and Si Woo was someone that Cho Rong would consider a close friend, therefore by association Si Woo was a close friend to Seo Jun.

You got close to his seat and looked him up and down then looked at him. Silently you tried to figure out, what Han Seo Jun was doing at your book club meeting. In the last few days that you'd been getting to know Seo Jun. He had never expressed any sort of interest in joining the book club. Hell, this was the guy, who didn't even know where the school library was.

"Not to be rude, but what are you doing here Seo Jun?" you ask, not looking at him because just as you finished asking him the question. Cho Rong was calling you over to start the speech for the meeting to begin. You waved a hand at Cho Rong, no way you were starting this meeting before finding out what Seo Jun was doing here.

"Well, Cho Rong was worried that Lee Hae Sung would cause trouble, so I'm here and Cho Rong promised to get me food after this" Seo Jun told you calmly. Really, Cho Rong couldn't have told you, rather than you asking Seo Jun and making a fool of yourself, you could feel the redness on your cheeks and your ears. Ugh, would this cycle of you being embarrassing in front of Han Seo Jun ever end?

You walked to the front of the class and started the presentation. An hour and a half later, the meeting was coming to an end. You smiled as people left. Hyun Ji and Si Woo were helping you and Cho Rong to clean up. Halfway through the meeting, you noticed that Seo Jun had fallen asleep.

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