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Just when the bell rang, you stood up packing your things to go meet up with Hae Sung

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Just when the bell rang, you stood up packing your things to go meet up with Hae Sung. As you were leaving Hyun Ji stopped you at the door.

"Hey YN, are you going to the shop, we can go together," She asked you, smiling and linking arms with you, ready to drag you with her. You smiled at her, shaking your head at her big smile and unlinked your arms.

"Sorry, Ji I'm going to meet up with Hae Sung," You tell her, looking sad, you didn't want to ditch her, but you'd already told Hae Sung you'd meet him. You knew he would give you hell if you went with Hyun Ji first and then met up with him. For being a low maintenance guy. Hae Sung could be a real dickhead when he thought you were ditching him or ignoring him.

Hyun Ji sighed, but nodded her head and walked away to Soo Ah's desk to ask her to join on the shop run instead. As you walk to Class 2-4, you see different people you know wave and smile at you. A few Freshmen come up to you and asked about when the Book Club's meeting is, you tell them and walk into Class 2-4.

Hae Sung smiles as he sees you, before you can even say hi to Cho Rong who had gotten up from his seat to come, talk to you, Hae Sung was dragging you out of the classroom. To the hallway of the unused classroom that your older sister told you about.

Since the hallway was full of unused classrooms, no one really walked past there, unless they were taking a short cut but not many people even knew, that this hallway was a shortcut to begin with. It had unofficially become your hang out spot with Hae Sung.

He stopped and turned to look at you. You looked at his hand still holding your wrist. He looked sorry and then let go of your wrist. Hae Sung didn't hurt you by holding your wrist too tight, but you had never liked his habit of dragging you, to places by holding onto your wrist. You sighed before looking at him and motioned for him to start the rant you knew you were in for. There was no way, he wasn't going to get on your case about what he saw this morning with Seo Jun.

"So, your just gonna tutor Han Seo Jun, after this morning I shouldn't even bother trying to convince you to change your mind should I YN. Let's just forget the horrible reputation Han Seo Jun has and how that will affect your reputation too yeah" Hae Sung said, he was talking so quickly, you almost thought he was rapping.

You wanted to laugh at the image of Hae Sung being a rapper but refrained from even showing a smile. While you couldn't hide your expressions from Han Seo Jun for some reason. You had years of experience in keeping a poker face in front of Hae Sung.

"Calm down Lee Hae Sung, since when have I ever cared about my reputation that I should start caring about it now. Also, you really need to stop judging people, you being so judgemental is why your class doesn't like inviting you on outings. Yeah, you shouldn't bother because I'll still be his tutor even if you don't want me to Hae Sung." You told him calmly, leaning back on the wall. You made sure to keep your face neutral, not giving away what you were thinking.

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