십육 [yeoldaseot] {Fifteen}

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Han Seo Jun couldn't believe he was doing this. He had willingly called a class meeting. He was willingly calling these people he begrudgingly liked to discuss something. The things he did for you. Then again, there was very few things he wouldn't do for you. You had told him about the text and meeting Hae Sung. There was no way that Seo Jun was going to let you do this alone. You had the support of everyone in your class not just your best friends.

"So, everyone understands the plan, yes?" Seo Jun said looking at everyone in the class. They all nodded, understanding how important this was for YN and Seo Jun. It was well known how much the class hated Hae Sung and well anything they could do to help get him out of your life permanently they would do.

You were nervous going into school. Seo Jun had come all the way to your house, and you had gone to school together. Mi Soo Unnie gushing about how cute the two of you were the least of your worries at the moment.

Today was the day that you were going to confront Hae Sung. It terrified you to even think about it. But you knew it needed to happen. You couldn't carry on with your life with Hae Sung in the shadows. Waiting to be let back in, knowing that he was behind so many rejections. Pulling the strings of your academic life without your knowledge. You wanted answers and you were determined to get them.

Walking into Saebom, your class and Hae Sung's class did what they had been doing for months now. Helping you to avoid Hae Sung. You appreciated it, you knew you would not be able to handle seeing Hae Sung's face before you needed to. As you walked into your classroom, you were surrounded by the girls giving you hugs and the boys shouting fighting. Confused you looked at Seo Jun who smirked and winked at you. Causing you to blush, making the whole class coo at how adorable you were.

The day was a slow one. For once you wouldn't wait for the end of the day. It was the day to get answers from Hae Sung and the way the class was acting they were probably going to be around to help. Which you appreciated, then again you didn't know how much of your personal laundry you wanted your classmates to know. In retrospect, there was too much your classmates already knew anyway, so did them knowing everything really matter. That was an internal debate you could have later. You knew if you asked Seo Jun would scare your classmates into staying quiet and not saying anything about the confrontation. That made you feel bad though. Did that count as using your boyfriend? You didn't know and for now didn't want to worry about it.

The end of the day came, and you were led to an empty classroom by Seo Jun, there you could see Si Woo and Hyun Ji with Jae Yi as well which was a surprise. You looked at him in shock, your mouth must've been open that you felt someone gently closing your mouth. You turned to look in Seo Jun and he just nodded his head.

"I would've told you, but Seo Jun wanted this to be a surprise Ynnie" Jae Yi told you. You looked at Seo Jun but again he wouldn't give you an answer. You weren't above begging Seo Jun to get answers from him but before you could, Cho Rong was heard shouting.

"Guys hurry up with the explanations Hae Sung is on his way" Looking around everyone nodded their head.

"I'm here as a witness and with the proof of what he did, plus Hyun Ji and Si Woo went through all the applications you filled in that were rejected as more proof. Our plan is to hit him with as much evidence as we can." Jae Yi explained. You nodded your head before looking at Seo Jun and smiling at him. He looked more nervous than you and that was saying something. To reassure him, you hugged Seo Jun tightly, just knowing he was here for you was reassuring. Seo Jun whispered in your ear, telling you that he was here and all you had to do was look out the door and wink at him. That was the sign for him to come in. Any moment you felt uncomfortable, just wink and he'll be there.

"Well, isn't this sweet, I didn't come here to see you two hugging Han Seo Jun" Hae Sung said as soon as he walked into the room. He had a smug smirk on his face, like he knew this would all work out in his favour. Was he going to get the shock of his life then.

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