둘 [Dul]{Two}

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The day had started off well

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The day had started off well. Coming down to breakfast, you weren't surprised to see Lee Hae Sung sitting at your table eating with your family.

He was your neighbour and you two had been best friends since you'd been born. Being the youngest in both of your family and all your sibling were friends.

However, you two liked to specify that your siblings were just friends with each other. While you and Hae Sung were best friends, platonic soulmates, two idiots in a pod if you will. There wasn't a thing that didn't happen in each of your lives that the other didn't know.

Hence why you weren't surprised, that he was sitting at your table after you told him what happened with Han Seo Jun yesterday. Hae Sung was there to talk to you in person about what you were going to do.

You didn't know why he didn't like Han Seo Jun so much, but that dislike was showing in how against you tutoring Han Seo Jun he was.

No matter what he said though, best friend or not. You weren't going to let Han Ssaem down.

Hae Sung clearly disagreed with you, which was very obvious with how he wouldn't shut up the whole bus ride to school. Even now as you were walking to class, he was still going on about how to get you out of tutoring Han Seo Jun.

Before you could get him to shut up already, you heard someone shouting.

"Potter ah!! I've missed you" You laugh as you turn to see Kim Cho Rong running towards you and Hae Sung.

He stops just in front of you, panting and motions for Hae Sung to go into the class. Hae Sung rolls his eyes and walks in.

You stick your tongue out at Hae Sung when he looks back at you and Cho Rong standing by the door.

"Yah, Potter, does it hurt you to stop walking when someone is shouting your name," Cho Rong told you as he tried to get his breath back.

"In my defence, I had Hae Sung lecturing me about Han Seo Jun so ignoring you wasn't my fault Cho Rong", You laugh, shaking your head.

Cho Rong looks at you before looking into his classroom and glaring at Hae Sung and throwing a piece of crumpled up paper at him. As revenge for lecturing you and probably a way to avenge Han Seojun.

Cho Rong's friendship with Han Seo Jun was really sweet and it was another one of those things. Where you didn't understand how Han Seo Jun was around such wonderful people, yet still managed to make everyone else angry or scare the crap out of them.

You were part of the minority that was scared of him.

"Anyway, I came to remind you that we have a meeting of the Potterhead Book Club tomorrow, the new batch of freshman will be there and as president of the club you have to be there" Cho Rong stated as he walked with you to your class.

You smiled and nodded your head, there was no way you were missing an event of the book club. That you and Cho Rong spent months convincing the principal and vice-principal to let you start. 

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