열 [Yeol]{Ten}

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Above is the dress that you wear.

Soo Ah looked around at her classmates

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Soo Ah looked around at her classmates. Not everyone was here yet, YLN YN and Han Seo Jun were taking their time to come to this outing. Well, her classmates and Kim Cho Rong and Song Si Woo. Those two were honorary members of Class 2-5. More times than less, these two boys were around.

Especially when the planning for breaking YLN YN and Lee Hae Sung's friendship. To be fair to them, they were a big part of that and being close friends of YLN YN. Yet here they were now a part of this class outing.

Then again, Song Si Woo and Jung Hyun Ji had something going on. Well Soo Ah, Ju Kyung and YN shipped them. From what YN told the other two girls, Hyun Ji and Si Woo had feelings for each other but it was just a matter of time for them to get together.

According to YN, she had been waiting for years for Hyun Ji & Si Woo to become a couple. Whenever the topic of this couple was brought up, YN would claim to be the captain of their ship.

This past week, Ju Kyung and Soo Ah went out of their way to tease YN about Seo Jun. In the last few days, Seo Jun was going out of his way to make his feelings obvious. Yet YN stubbornly refused to believe that this was Seo Jun showing her that he had feelings about it.

Hyun Ji eventually told Ju Kyung and Soo Ah, that YN was insanely oblivious when it came to guys. The three girls had a good laugh when Hyun Ji shared the story of how YN's ex-boyfriend had to jump through hoops because YN was just so oblivious to his feelings for her.

Seeing Seo Jun coming from afar. Soo Ah waved and started calling his name. Everyone else followed her lead and soon the group was shouting Seo Jun's name that by the time he got closer. They all quickly stopped shouting when they saw the look Seo Jun was giving them for shouting his name like lunatics. Yet when they noticed he was alone, the chatter started again about where YLN YN was. Since they were the last ones to come, the class had just assumed they would be coming together.

"Yah, shut up all of you. YLN YN will not be joining us, I know nothing more than that. If anyone has questions about it, don't ask me," Seo Jun glared at anyone who even looked like they would ask him something. Even when you told him that you weren't going to be coming to this outing.

Seo Jun being the idiot that he is didn't ask questions. If he had, he might have figured out a way to get out of this outing too. Unfortunately, he was here stuck with his annoying as hell classmates and from the looks, he was getting. All of these people were going to be teasing him about YN.

"Well since Seo Jun is here, I guess this is a good time to say that I have to go. In my defence, I'm meeting up with someone none of you bars Si Woo know, and he didn't have any other days free to meet up" Hyun Ji said quickly.

The second she finished; everyone was shouting over each other again. Hyun Ji sighed, she knew there was no way she could get out of this. Even YN, when Hyun Ji revealed to her about who had reached out. YN had told her to just not go to the outing. In times like this Hyun Ji regretted not listening to her best friend.

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