열넷 [Yeolnet]{Fourteen}

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This was not how you imagined your first date with Seo Jun going

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This was not how you imagined your first date with Seo Jun going. Not that you'd thought about it in-depth, from the beginning. That's a lie, from the moment you accepted and then proceeded to tell Hyun Ji and Si Woo. Your sister and Young Joon Oppa, you were imagining how this date would go.

Being in a crowded BBQ restaurant with the rest of your class including Cho Rong and Si Woo was not what you had in mind. The date was going very well, to begin with. Seo Jun picked you up from your house with flowers, that was so sweet, no guy had given you flowers before, and you definitely appreciated the gesture.

Especially the courage that had given you to kiss Seo Jun on the cheek again. It was impossible not to, Han Seo Jun was adorable, shyly giving you the flowers that you handed off to Mi Soo Unnie before kissing his cheek in thanks. Grabbing his hand and getting out of the house. Before Young Joon Oppa could realise what was going on and come to interrogate Seo Jun like he had done to Jae Yi, you were out of the house.

The date was fairly simple. You guys went to the arcade, to begin with, and it was quite obvious that you had a few people following the two of you. Cho Rong and Ju Kyung did a very bad job of hiding whenever either you or Seo Jun turned to look at them. Si Woo and Hyun Ji were better at hiding.

It took Seo Jun some time to even realise that they were also following you. You had already shouted at them in your group chat when you realised and tried to make sure Seo Jun didn't see them. That didn't work but by this point, you were just having so much fun, you didn't care.

So, it was a surprise that as you six were walking around that you found the rest of your class at a BBQ restaurant and joined in. Well, you tried to avoid it, so did Seo Jun but Soo Ah was insisting, and you felt bad. That is when your date, turned into a class dinner. You wanted to get out but didn't know how to leave without making your classmates feel like you didn't want to spend time with them.

Making eye contact with Seo Jun, you pleaded with him, your eyes trying to send the message of helping you get out of here. Thankfully Seo Jun got the message and picked up your hand, helped you into your jacket and gave you your bag. Holding your hand, he looked at his classmates. Seo Jun smirked.

"I do not care for you guys anymore and so I'm taking my date and getting out of here, see ya idiots in school" with that, Seo Jun took you out of the restaurant

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"I do not care for you guys anymore and so I'm taking my date and getting out of here, see ya idiots in school" with that, Seo Jun took you out of the restaurant. You looked at him in shock, but he just laughed at your expression before pecking your nose. He honestly didn't know anyone cuter than you.

You laughed, at least you had gotten out of there. Looking at your joined hands you smiled. You just started walking. No place really in mind, just enjoying the atmosphere with each other.

"I had fun on this date you know." You shyly told Seo Jun. You avoided eye contact but that didn't stop Seo Jun from stopping, turning you to look at him and lifting your chin up so you were looking at him.

"I had fun too, wouldn't mind a second date, or the privilege to call you my girlfriend Princess," Seo Jun told you smoothly. That had you looking at him in shock. He did not just say what you thought he did.

This was only your first date and he already wanted to call you his girlfriend, was this going too fast. You didn't know, it had taken half a dozen dates with Jae Yi before he asked you to be his girlfriend, this was unknown territory for you. You stayed silent but were honestly contemplating this. You knew you liked Seo Jun a lot and would've asked him out eventually. Or if Hae Sung was still in your life, then nothing would've happened. But you were happy here, any time spent with Seo Jun made you happy. He wasn't the cause of your happiness, but he did things to make you happy, he didn't make you cry.

Hae Sung really had done a number on you, if just making you happy, the bare minimum made you happy. But the past was something you were still processing especially with the truth that had come out. Which you had told Seo Jun about earlier.

That had been quite the reaction, Seo Jun pleading with you that he should e able to beat up Hae Sung for the manipulation and deception he had done to you. You stopped him but appreciated the reaction.

"Just because I am agreeing to be your girlfriend doesn't mean that you can get out of our tutoring sessions Han Seo Jun" You teased Seo Jun. Your feelings for Seo Jun weren't stopping any time soon and you liked the idea of being his girlfriend. You never would've thought that agreeing to be Han Seo Jun's tutor would lead to you becoming his girlfriend months later.

Seo Jun just laughed, he looked at you. His eyes sparkling with joy, Your eyes the same, he looked at you with such softness. You almost couldn't believe that it was you he was looking at like that. You just smiled before both f you carried on walking towards your house now.

Once reaching your house, you said goodbye and started to walk away from Seo Jun. But something stopped you. Turning to see, Seo Jun was holding on to your hand. You looked at him in confusion. He pulled you closer to him.

"Can I kiss you please my beautiful girlfriend" Without even giving an answer, you got on your tiptoes and pecked Seo Jun's lips. His face after that had you wheezing on the spot, once he had gotten over that shock, Seo Jun smirked at you. Pulling you closer to him, he then cupped your face and kissed you the way he had wanted to.

You put your arms around his neck and lost yourself in the feeling of kissing Seo Jun. It was everything you had thought it would be. Yet it didn't feel like the end of anything, it was just the start. The start of your relationship, the first kiss of many.

Both of you lost track of time, not caring that you were outside your house. That is until you heard a loud bang, a door being slammed shut. Seo Jun and you reluctantly pulled away, your arms still around his neck, turning to see that it had been the house next door to your door that had been slammed shut.

Lee Hae Sung's front door had been the door slammed that broke your first kiss. Not that you cared but it did remind you that you still needed to talk to Hae Sung about everything. Sighing, you said goodbye to Seo Jun and went to your door.

Once in the privacy of your room, after you had gushed about your date and boyfriend to Mi Soo Unnie. You took out your phone and unblocked one number, sent a text to Hae Sung, waited for a reply.

After seeing the reply, you blocked his number again. Finally, the time to get answers straight from the source was coming and this time you would not be backing down and you most certainly weren't meeting Hae Sung alone.

 Finally, the time to get answers straight from the source was coming and this time you would not be backing down and you most certainly weren't meeting Hae Sung alone

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