열하나 [Yeolhana]{Eleven}

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If anyone had told you last week that on Saturday, you would kiss Han Seo Jun on the cheek

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If anyone had told you last week that on Saturday, you would kiss Han Seo Jun on the cheek. You would've laughed in their face. If that person went on to say that the next day, you'll be meeting Gong Jae Yi for Coffee at your Eomma's Café. With your Eomma, Mi Soo Unnie and Joon Oppa trying to keep an eye on the two of you from behind the till. Again, you would've laughed. Funny how that is exactly what you were doing today.

After spending the rest of Saturday night, gushing about the night and the kiss on the cheek to Hyun Ji and Ju Kyung. You weren't expecting a text from Gong Jae Yi. Turns out, coming back he hadn't changed his number and you never did block him.

It seems fitting that after you had enough courage to kiss your crush on the cheek. That the next day, you meet your ex and just bury the hatchet. Talk about everything that you both avoided then. Hopefully, you'd be able to be friends after this conversation.

You smiled at Jae Yi when he sat in front of you. He smiled back at you, nodding his head in greeting to your Eomma, Unnie and Joon Oppa. You turned back and laughed at the three of them acting like they weren't just staring at you and Jae Yi. As though you were animals in a Zoo.

"You look good YN" You smiled at him. Taking your time to look at Jae Yi's face. Seeing the differences in his face, he looked older and more mature but that was expected. His eyes still had that shine to them. That shine, you loved in his eyes hadn't left.

It's weird, a year ago, maybe even at the beginning of the school year. Being sat across from Jae Yi was all you would've wanted. To talk to him, vent, rant and just be there and admit that you were still in love with him and want to get back together. Yet here he was in front of you, and you were making comparisons between him and Seo Jun. The difference a few months makes. Now you just wanted to be friends with him.

"You look good too Jae Yi, so why did you want to meet today?" He never did tell you the reason through text, just asked to meet and you agreed. But you were curious. Especially since Hyun Ji and Si Woo, refused to tell you anything about what happened when they met up with him yesterday.

"Well, it was mainly to tell you something, I told Hyun Ji and Si Woo yesterday but they both were adamant about me dropping this bomb on you myself." He told you. You looked confused, what bomb was he going to drop on you. How important was this information that Si Woo and Hyun Ji thought you needed to know from him?

"Spit it out then, what bomb is being dropped on me today" After you said this, Jae Yi took his phone out of pocket and put it on the table. Motioning for you to look at it.

You took the phone in your hand. It was a video of his father and some important-looking man in an office. You looked at Jae Yi, he nodded at you to play the video. Sighing, trying to mentally prepare for whatever it is you were about to watch.

Nothing you did could've, prepared you for what was in that video. Once the video had ended. You sat shocked, it took Mi Soo Unnie coming to you and shaking you that you realised you hadn't said anything.

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