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As you and Seo Jun got to the bus stop

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As you and Seo Jun got to the bus stop. You finally dared to look back and saw that Hae Sung wasn't behind you. You sighed and looked at Seo Jun, tapping his arm around your shoulders with your other hand.

Seo Jun quickly removed his arm from your shoulders and bumped shoulders with you, smirking at you. He sat down on the bench and motioned at you to sit next to him. Once you sat down next to him, you looked at him.

"Thanks for what you did and said back there, I do not want to deal with Hae Sung right now" You thanked Seo Jun. Putting his arm around you and helping you to avoid talking to Hae Sung, was a relief. You'd almost forgotten about the argument with Hae Sung while tutoring Seo Jun, seeing him waiting outside, just hit you like a train with the memories of what he said.

"I don't need an excuse to punch that idiot, just tell me now and I'll happily go and punch him" Seo Jun shrugged, then pointed at the bus approaching and stood up to get on the bus, looking at you, waiting for you to get up too.

You shook your head, Seo Jun looked confused but sat down again next to you.

"Uh, wasn't that your bus? I don't have my motorbike so how are you going to go home?" Seo Jun asked you.

"So, what I got out of that is, if you did have your bike, you would've given me a ride home," You asked Seo Ju back laughing when he glared at you. After seeing his glare so much in the last few days, you were growing immune to it. At least you were starting to differentiate between the types of glares Seo Jun had.

"I don't know how you know what bus I usually get, you stalker but I'm going to Mi Soo Unnie's apartment. Hae Sung is my neighbour and I know he'll turn up at breakfast tomorrow morning, so the best way to avoid him is to go live with Unnie for the rest of the week". Shaking your head, you take a breath after saying so much. What is it about Seo Jun that just makes you word vomit and ramble on, when you barely talk to anyone in your class but with him, you feel like talking about anything and everything.

Seo Jun looked at you sadly, he couldn't imagine having to deal with Lee Hae Sung as a best friend. That was something coming from him when he had to deal with Lee Su Ho and his stupidity, then again both of them had been at fault for the rift in their friendship but it was all sorted now and he couldn't be happier about the place he was in with Su Ho.

"YN you are going to avoid your own home just so you don't have to deal with Lee Hae Sung also doesn't that other bus go in an opposite direction of the school. That is some level of dedication to avoiding him." Seo Jun couldn't understand not going home just to avoid someone, he would miss his bed too much and if that person dared show up at his apartment, well they were not going to be leaving with breakfast.

You smiled, he made a good point, the lengths you were going to were extreme. But this was needed, you needed to put some distance between you and Hae Sung. The things he said to you may not have been the worst stuff he's spewed out in an argument, but this time it was making you rethink your entire friendship.

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