𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 34.

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Joel's eyes were pinned on her as she walked back to the window, looking out.

All he wanted to do was to pull her back and show her he's not done with her yet but they couldn't waste any more time.

He buckled up his belt and stood up with a heavy sigh as he followed her out.

"Yeah that could do." Joel said when he noticed where Makayla was looking. There was a hole in the wall on the left side of the building and a container near it.

He jumped up on the container and then on top of a truck before he climbed the wall.

"Alright, we're inside. C'mon you gimme your hand." He extended his arm as Makayla took it and he pulled her up. Then he turned around to start snooping around.

She followed him as they started searching the building.

The hallways and classes were full of supplies.

"Look there's a staircase." Makayla notified and Joel followed her. There was a bunch of stuff on the ground in front of the stairs as he picked up some paper of medical registration.

"Ain't nothin' here but a bunch of medical mumbo-jumbo." Joel mumbled, hearing Makayala sigh, "I don't get it. Looks like they all just packed their shit and left in hurry."

"Let's keep goin'." Joel said and they went upstairs.

They were once again looking around when Joel spotted an office recorder laying on a table.

He grabbed it, turning it on,

"We lost two more guards to infected attacks. They're about to go have another goddamn meeting about the safety of this lab. All of our equipment is here. All of our data is here. All the personel have gotten used to living here. I'm gonna run another test. Otherwise this incompetence will drive me insane."

After hearing it out Makayla looked at Joel, "We could find out the truth from these. Let's search for more."

Joel nodded, agreeing.

They continued to walk down the hallway, "There are no bodies. That's good right?" She asked but Joel wasn't answering. Instead he was focused on the halfway opened door at the end of the hallway.

He walked towards it with Makayla behind him and he pushed the door open with force, seeing another office recorder so he grabbed it and turned it on,

"If you're looking for the Fireflies they've all left. I'm dead or I will be soon. If you're looking for the others, they've all returned to Saint Mary's hospital in Salt Lake city. You'll find them there. Still trying to safe the world-"

Joel turned it off with his forehead creased.

Makayla looked up at him, "You know where that is?"

"I know the city."

"Is it far?"

"It ain't close. I mean on horseback-" He suddenly paused, looking out the window at the other side of the building, frowning while squinting his eyes.

Makayla followed his gaze only to see some unknown people with guns in their hands, "Fireflies?"

"Get down!"

Joel pulled her down by the back of her neck when a bullet went straight through their window, crashing it.

"Who the fuck are these guys?!" She whisper yelled.

"It don't matter. We know where to go let's get the hell outta here." Joel groaned and Makayla was right on his heels.

They got to the long hallway and Joel already got the opportunity to blow head of two people.

"Holy fuck." Makayla cursed when one of the bodies fell to her feet.

Another three of them appeared at the end of the hallway and the shooting has started.

Makayla and Joel were hidden behind some cabinets, peeking out only to fire.

After they got them they moved, trying to get out of the buidling as fast as possible.

They killed more of them on their way to the staircase where they went down to get on the lowest floor.

Makayla stayed behind, gathering some things they didn't take on their way there while Joel got to the balcony. He was about to open some door when a guy from inside kicked into them, making Joel fly back as he hit the glass railings.

"Got you asshole!" He grabbed Joel by his throat trying to push him over.

Makayla noticed what was happening, running at them but everything happened too fast.

She saw Joel overpower the guy, punching him in the face hard but as he did that the railings broke and they fell backwards.

"No!" Makayla screamed, stopping at the edge and her blood went cold at the sight.

The other guy was dead on the spot but Joel was laying on his back while his torso was impaled by a thin metal rod sticking up from the floor.

She jumped, not even even caring about the high she jumped from as she landed on the ground next to Joel, her eyes wide opened.

"Joel." She called out in panic, her eyes flicking all over, trying to figure out what to do.

"What do you want me to do." Her voice shook as she looked at him.

"Move." He groaned quietly.


"Move!" This time he straight up growled. Pushing her to the side as he blew off the heads of another two men that were charging at them.

With a deep grunt he laid back down.

"I'm gonna need you to pull."

"Okay." Makayla quickly nodded grabbing his hand.

"Alright. You ready?" She asked and started pulling him up.

He released a low scream from the pain and fell forward as soon as he was finally free of the rod.

He was panting, his eyes closed and a streak of blood was rushing from his wound.

Makayla helped him stand up.

"Just get to the damn horse." He exhaled abruptly. He was getting dizzy.

Makayla nodded, grabbing her gun tightly as she lead the way while Joel was slowly stumbling after her, holding onto the wound.

"Can you handle the window?" Makayla looked at him after releasing they had to climb a window to get to the other room since the door was blocked.

"Yeah." He said and Makayla jumped through, waiting for him to do the same and altough he got through the window he fell right to the floor.

"Fuck Joel." Makayla pulled him back behind a cabinet after someone started shooting at them.

"Alright you stay here." She ordered him and went to get around the cabinet.

"Makayla." Joel protested, reaching for her but he was too weak.

She suddenly jumped the cabinet charging at the man as she grabbed him from behind and put a bullet in his head.

"Makayla?!" Joel called out.

"I'm good. C'mon." She got to him and once again helped him stand up.

"There's the exit." She notified leading the way again but she noticed Joel getting dizzier and dizzier.

"I'll get the door." Makayla ran to open the door before she got to Joel again, helping him get out of the buidling.


They continued their path on the horse for a few minutes now, trying to find some place where they could stay but all of a sudden Joel slid of the horse and fell down, unconscious.


KILL THE TRUTH | 𝐽𝑜𝑒𝑙 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟 (This Story Is Going Through Corrections)Where stories live. Discover now