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'You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.'
-Dr. Seuss

Rodolphus and bellatrix
An 18 year old bellatrix and Rodolphus sitting together in a deatheater meeting after they finished their third mission together.

"You're all dismissed." The dark lord said and they stood up to leave

"Lestranges, excellent work on your mission. I am satisfied." He told them

Bellatrix and Rodolphus left smiling happily

"He's happy with us!" Bellatrix exclaimed and Rodolphus laughed at her and carried her spinning her in the air.

"He's happy because of how amazing you are." He told her holding her face in his hand.

Bellatrix laughed and he wished he could record the sound and hear it forever

"You're amazing too, you know." She whispered to him their faces close to each other while he was still holding her they leaned into each other and their lips met

Her lips tasted like the strawberries she was eating before the meeting

And they both felt like they were in heaven, bellatrix felt warmth blossom in her chest as his hands tangled in her curls

"That was a good show." A voice said from behind them

"EVAN!" They both shouted as they broke the kiss quickly.

"Alright! I'm leaving." He said in singing voice.

When he left Bellatrix and Rodolphus stared at each other and laughed.

'She's magnificent' Rodolphus though as he watched her smile at him.


The first day back to hogwarts for the fifth year, at night Nyx felt like she couldn't sleep so she decided to walk around the castle, she found herself at the astronomy tower wanting to watch the stars.

"I was here first." Said a voice from behind her

She turned to look, it was regulus black

"Oh, it's fine I was going to leave anyways, I won't bother you." She said and stood up to leave.

"No, stay." He whispered and she barely even heard him.

She turned to him and sat near him in silence as they stared at the stars.

"That's the constellation Leo , and that's me the brightest star in it" he said pointing to the sky so that she can see what he's talking about.

"Do you come here a lot ?" She asked curiously

"I do, to get my mind off things, the stars calm me." He told her in a low voice

"They're enchanting." She whispered looking a the stars.

"They are." He said but he wasn't looking at the stars but looking into her eyes.


"I'm going to try and ask her out again, padfoot." James said standing up determined

"You'll get rejected again." Sirius told him chuckling and then winking at Marlene who rolled her eyes at him with a smile.

"Well, I know but I'll still do it." James told him and Remus laughed at them.

James walked around the castle to look for Lily, he liked her since the moment he saw her, he thought she was bewitching
He found her in the library reading alone so he sat infront of her and stared smiling

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