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-Andromeda Hearing Terrible News-

She could feel the warmth of the sun on her skin as she continued gardening her plants.

The breeze made her feel alive, it reminded her of the days with her sisters when they used to sneak out, getting caught as they sneak in again but the punishments where always worth the fun they had.

Some sand flew at her face as the air brought it from the window, she remembered how Bellatrix used to stand up to her father taking the hits meant for her and Narcissa.

This war has been going on for too long, tearing away Friends and family

How she wished she could turn back time to the days with her sisters before everything.

She hoped she won't lose anymore this time around, she has an auror daughter constantly in danger and a husband on the run because of his heritage.

She cut the dead leaves of the plant as she heard multiple names on the radio of people who lost their life because of the war from both sides.

She find herself holding her breath in worry to hear her husbands name or her daughters or her sisters' familys.

The kids around don't deserve this,kids fighting in a war they had no hand in creating. But Dumbeldore raised three generations of child soldiers.

The air inside her lungs suddenly disappeared and she felt the world spin around her as the words she just heard from the radio continued to echo in her mind.

'It is with great regret, we inform the wizarding world of the murder of Ted Tonks husband of Madame Andromeda Tonks née Black and Father of Auror Nymphadora Lupin née Tonks.'

The words kept replying in her mind as she swayed in her place not wanting to believe this.

She was choking on tears as she crouched on the floor and let out a scream that had the windows shattering as her magic got out of control.

He promised he won't ever leave her alone.

"No!" "No!"

She though of Dora and if she knew by now.

They didn't even say goodbye.

She wanted to know who did that, who killed him so she could avenge him.

She couldn't breathe as memories crashed down in her mind, her lungs felt like exploding.

"You could miss class like that." A voice said from behind as she turned from watching her sister try and ride a broom.

"Who are you?" She asked the person who dared to talk to her since everyone thought she'd be like Bella and stayed away even though her sister wasn't that bad.

"I'm Ted Tonks." He said holding his hand out for her.

"Tonks ? Never heard of that family name before." She said in confusion reciting the sacred 28 that her parents taught her in her mind.

"I'm Muggle born." He said chuckling in confusion and her eyes widened.

Merlin help her if her parents knew she's talking to him but she wants to make a friend, it wouldn't hurt if she did it behind their backs.

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