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"love made the danger
in you look like safety"
-Rupi Kaur

-Bellatrix And Rodolphus Meet After Their Engagement Announcement-

As a pure blood witch, bellatrix knew that the day where her father forces her to marry someone would be soon.

She's now beginning her seventh year at hogwarts soon and after graduating she'd be married to a wizard she only talked to twice and both times she thought he was infuriating.

She had no choice in the matter and her mother couldn't do anything, especially since Andromeda's elopement bellatrix had to do this to show that the Black Family is still as powerful as it was and to cover her sister's scandal.

(Andromeda is older in this book)

So this morning when her mother came in and practically ordered her to get dressed because her fiancé Rodolphus Lestrange would come and take her out on a date to know each other before marriage, she obeyed thinking that she might make him not want to marry her after this date.

An hour later she was done getting ready, Narcissa said she looked beautiful and her mother nodded at her.

Her father on the other hand, criticized almost everything about her that she almost changed everything, but she didn't because she did like how she looked before he spoke.

Fifteen minutes later, Rodolphus arrived and much to Bellatrix's dismay she had to admit he looked handsome.

"Good Evening,Bellatrix." He greeted her with a small smile.

"Can we leave now, Lestrange." She said impatiently not wanting to see her father anymore.

"Yes,of course and call me Rodolphus." He told her.

"Lestrange is fine." She grumbled wanting this night to end already.

He noticed her annoyance at this date and smirked slightly, it's fun annoying her.

He got out a portkey and Bellatrix held onto it with him.

When they landed after it activated, she noticed that they weren't in England anymore.

"Where are we?" She asked with a raised brow.

"A restaurant owned by my family in Paris for witches and wizards." He informed her offering his hand to her and she took it.

He lead her to the table that had a few well placed candles, he pulled her chair out for her and she sat.

When he sat across her she stared at him not wanting to talk first.

"I'm glad we're here tonight so we can get to know each other." He told her after ordering a bottle of wine.

"I won't lie and say I'm glad to be here too." Bellatrix said with a small smirk.

"Great! So I don't have to continue playing nice anymore." He sighed relieved and she stared at him surprised.

"What? I'm not happy about this marriage either." He said when he noticed her stare and she chuckled.

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