𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 35.

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She exhaled abruptly as soon as the arrow went through that little rabbit's heart. A fog escaped her lips from how cold it was. During the last few days the weather had changed drastically.

"Yeah this won't last very long." She picked the rabbit up, taking the arrow out and then she placed it on her horse, ready to get back when suddenly she heard stomps.

"Shit." Her eyes widened at the sight. It was a deer standing not too far away.

She grabbed her bow and started following him.

She was walking as slow as she could but the snow cracking under her feet was making it harder for her.

And then she saw him standing behind a tree.

She stretched her bow, aiming at him.

And striked.

He howled in pain and started running away with Makayla right after him. She was following the puddles of blood hoping she wouldn't lose him.

And she saw him again. Striking.

Once again she hit him but just as before he ran away.

Makayla kept following the blood,

"How are you not dead yet..." She mumbled to herself while running after him.

There was more and more blood, knowing he won't last long when she suddenly found herself in some kind of abandoned village. She looked around herself making sure she was alone and then she kept following the tracks.

Finally after a while she saw him on the floor, dead.

She walked up to him but she heard something.

"Who's there?!" She called out aiming with her bow.

"Hello! We just wanna talk." Two man stepped out and Makayla's grip on the bow tightened,

"Any sudden movement and I put one right between your eyes. Ditto for buddy-boy over there. What do you want?!"

They both looked at each other before the one with the mustache spoke up,

"My name's David. This here's my friend James. We're from a larger group. We're very very hungry."

"So am I." Makayla frowned.

"Maybe we could trade you for some of that meat there. What do you need? Weapons, ammo, clothes-"

"Medicine! You have any antibiotics?"

"We do. Back at the camp. You're welcome to follow us-"

"I'm not following you anywhere." Makayla raised her voice at David, "Buddy-boy can go get it, he comes back with what I need, the deer is all yours. Anyone else shows up-"

"You put one right between my eyes

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"You put one right between my eyes." David said instead of her before looking at James, "Two bottles of the penicillin and a syringe. Make it fast. Go."

James seemed to hesitate but eventually he listened and left.

"I'll take that rifle." Makayla said, still aiming at him.

"Of course." David said and placed it on the ground in front of her. She put the bow on her before grabbing the rifle, this time aiming at him with that.

David looked around,

"He's probably gonna be a while. You mind if we take some shelter from the cold?"

Makayla thought about it for a second but gave in. She was freezing.

"Bring him with us." She pointed at the deer and David nodded before they made their way inside.


David had started a fire by the time they were there.

Makayla was sitting down, with the rifle still in her hands.

"You know you really shouldn't be out here all on your own."

"I'm good." She mumbled.

"I see. What's your name?" He asked carefully.


"Look I understand it's not easy to trust a couple of strangers. Whoever's hurt you clearly care about them." He raised an eyebrow and Makayla gulped.

She didn't answer, focusing her gaze on the fire when they heard a loud screeching.

They both stood up, watching a clicker barge into the wrecked cottage.

David didn't hesitate to take out a gun and blow his head off.

"You had another gun?!"

"Sorry. Okay, I'd really like my rifle back now." He stepped closer but Makayla just gave him a death stare,

"No! You have your pistol."

David just frowned and shut the door,

"No matter what we have to keep them out! Cover the windows!"

They started coming from all the sides, both Makayla and David were shooting as many as they could and all she could hope for was that none of the infected would find Joel.

"Make every shot count!" David screamed.

"What do you think I'm doing?!" Makayla screamed back while she kept firing from the rifle.

"Gimme a hand with this!" David said and Makayla ran up to him as they moved an old squeaky cabinet in front of one of the windows.

"Screw it! We're getting out of this room!" David ran up to the other door, kicking them open and Makayla went after him automatically.

They ran up some stairs while the infected were right on their heels.

David managed to push a wardrobe in front of the door, blocking it just before they could get inside with them.

"Follow me, through here!" He pushed another door open as they continued getting as far away from the infected as possible.

"Do you know where you're going?"

"I've never set a foot in this place."

"Great." She rolled her eyes, still following him.

They appeared in what looked like a store which was pretty shrouded.

They walked up some stairs that led them to a small passage. The whole place looked like it would shatter in seconds.

Makayla could already hear the screams of infected all around them.

"We need to find a way outta here."

"Yeah no shit." Makayla muttered grabbing her gun tighter although David seemed more stressed than she was.

They've been through worse with Joel. She kept telling herself.

They were in a room with no way out. The windows all around them with infected getting closer.

David looked at her,

"Get ready."

KILL THE TRUTH | 𝐽𝑜𝑒𝑙 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟 (This Story Is Going Through Corrections)Where stories live. Discover now