Chapter 10: The Return

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Tubbo POV
His eyes looked lost, and broken. He had a hand to his shoulder, and flitched when I stepped closer to him. The voices loved the sight of blood. And they screamed louder at this victim than any other. 

Saying things like “The Blood God Falls!”, “God Vs God!”, “Blood for a New God!!”, etc. It made me smirk at the fact that this could be a god. The voices don’t lie after all. I walked closer and he kept trying to back up, and screamed for someone named “Phil”.

“Look who’s fallen now..Hehehe..” 

“You don’t have to do this T-tubbo.. W-what do you want? Money? Land?” He begged, he was trying to joke away his fear.

Blood.” I said, swinging my sword up.

He flitched, but just as I drew my sword down there was a flash of white light. It practically blinded me, and I covered my eyes. For the split second I could see, the man had also covered his eyes. 

And as fast as the light came down, it was gone. Like a flash bang almost. I looked at the man, who looked at me, then behind me. His eyes widened more, and his pupils dilated. He was shocked, and happy all at the same time.

I looked behind me and saw a drained colored boy. He seemed familiar but I could put my finger on it. He had very light blonde hair, light blue eyes, paper white skin.

A baseball tee shirt, and cargo pants. It also seemed like he had wings. Angel wings.

“Hello.?” I asked him. He sure did know how to make an entrance.

“Tubbo….?” He asked back.  I had no clue why that of anything broke me.

It made me angry. My blood will boil for the last time. I don’t know or never will know this “Tubbo” guy..

“My name is Toob!” I shouted before charging him.

He got out of my way before I could get a hit on him. I swung at the air, so mad at everything that had happened. So mad at getting misidentified, so mad that I couldn’t kill this thing!

I swung at him, barely missing his skin. 

“Wait Tubbo- I can help you.. I’m obviously here for a reason” He said, centimeters from my grasp.

“Yeah to die!’ I responded, taking out my bow.

“Please Tubbo!” He begged.

“I. Am. Not. Tubbo!!.” I yelled, firing an arrow with every word.

“Toob listen then! Please…” He kept dodging.

“NO!” I yelled, throwing a potion of harming at him. It had no effect on me.

“Why won’t you listen to me..” His voice weakened.

“Because, how can I trust you!” I snapped, ender pearling behind him. 

“Whoa-” He moved out of the way, making me more angry.

“Tubbo please- The compasses.. Remember..?” He asked, continuing to dodge my attacks.

“No! Just DIE!” I Jabbed at him again.

He moved and kicked me into a tree that was pretty far. It knocked the air out of me, and it caused me to fold over. He got closer, but I couldn’t do anything. The pink haired man was on the side lines. Drinking what looked like a potion. 

This glowing, drained boy got closer to me. But I wasn’t going down that easily. Once I caught my breath I ran. Far far away.

Never thinking I was safe. I just kept running. Hearing them follow so I never stopped. As I ran, the mystery angel boy stopped me head on.

I could feel the dread radiate off of him. Anger fluid me, and I reached for my sword which was no longer in it’s holster. 

I looked at the boy and felt my heart sink as I couldn’t find my weapons. He smiled, and started walking towards me. I flinched and blocked my head. Only to be greeted by a hug. Something that was new to me. He hugged me, and wrapped his wings around us.

I just kinda stood there awkwardly as I didn’t know what to do in one of these, and was caught off guard by the not fighting. He laughed and pulled off of me finally, and smiled softly. His dull eyes held so much for something so empty. 

They didn’t have pupils I noticed, and he was crying a yellow substance. I studied his appearance more. His shirt was actually an oversized jumper. He seemed to be slightly levitating. 

His color palette was very dull, and pastel, it was a calming combination. Soft, and safe feeling. I backed up slightly, and he just smiled. He had sweater paws, and it was quite amusing.

His soft colors didn’t pose anymore threat to me. He was a safe place is what it seemed. I let my guard down for him. And felt calm. I didn’t see the pink haired man anywhere so it couldn’t be a surprise attack.

He was letting me go free I assumed by his gestures. I backed up more and more little by little. But I didn’t want to leave for some reason. I was safe, I felt… Home.. 

This feeling burnt me, made me feel sick to my stomach. I don’t know why I felt this way when the feeling was nice before.

Once more turning my emotions to ash, as I see them as nothing more than obstacles that I need to pretend I’m overcoming. 

I need to pretend to jump the hurdles of feeling a blade glaze my skin, leaving an irreversible mark on my story. I need to pretend I can run that fast in order to run until my feet literally bleed. 

I feel the pain of death on my skin as though it is water, but it’s only a parasite. Leaching away any feeling I had, and thus I run.

I run from the inevitable because of the sting it leaves on my soul. I want to live, but can I truly have no history of how I came to be?

The voices scream in anger as I block them out, panic setting in and soon I fall to my knees. I looked up and realized we were still in the circle of missing trees. No I fucking ran away from here.

Away.. I ran away.. The pink haired man was there, and he was healed. Though he did not look as if he wanted a fight.

The glowing boy was standing at the other side of what now was our arena. He looked like the other with expressions like he did not want to be there.

Emotions that shown he too, felt what I felt. His voice rang once more through my ears.

“Tubbo… please remember…” 

The wind blew with his words, causing the echo to be louder than even the voices could get. Actually… I couldn’t hear the voices at all… couldn’t feel them constantly wanting death. All I could hear, feel, and see… 

Were those words…

They… didn’t hurt… they felt safe… I felt safe.

For the first time I saw a face, and put a name to it. My eyes filled with tears, and soon I was a waterfall of emotions. I felt things I couldn’t even comprehend. All I knew was my best friend was standing in front of me.

“Tubbo…?” He smiled, the yellow tears vanishing. His voice was echoey, and drawn out. 

But I knew the voice. I knew the person the voice belonged to. I knew him as he stood mere meters away from me. His smile was bright, and my tears kept falling. My heart was in my throat, and I almost couldn’t believe this was real. 

I found it getting hard to breathe as the tears fell more and more. My vision was blurry, but it was the clearest it had ever been. The memories all came back to me. Slowly I began to walk. 

I began to jog. Then run. Then sprint. I was moving so fast towards him. Wrapping him in a hug, as he hugged back. I held him so tight, afraid I would lose him. He was back, and I recognized him.. Finally.. He was back…


“I’m right here Tubbo... I’m right here…”


The end


(Word count, 1373)

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