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SHE WAS NERVOUS FOR SURE. The look that she had saw covering the doctor's face was enough to let her know what exactly it was that she was about to walk into. She knew that the results were going to be bad. She knew that there wasn't going to be any way for Bruce and Rosalynn to help her with her situation, and she could feel that final sliver of hope break free from her grasp the closer she got to the lab.

She grabbed the door, offering Rosalynn a silent thankful smile as she held the door open for her. Willow made her way into the lab, her footsteps causing for Bruce Banner to look up and away from his charts, glancing towards Willow and offering her a tight smile before he looked over to Rosalynn who didn't meet his gaze, almost as if she was trying to hold his disappointment back for a little while longer. She turned her head, motioning towards the seat to which Willow took it upon herself to sit on. There was a pause before Rosalynn started speaking.

The woman let out a soft sigh as she looked at Willow, closing her eyes for a moment before holding out her hand, silently telling Bruce to give her the charts. Bruce placed the chart in her hands and Rosalynn took a moment to look through them, double checking all of her information because she didn't want to tell Willow something if it weren't true. The doctor shook her head for a few moments before hugging the chart to her chest and meeting Willow's eyes. Willow could see the hesitancy in her eyes, and she forced a small smile.

     "Tell it to me straight, doc." Willow answered. She placed her hands against the chair and leaned back as she looked at Rosalynn. There was a reassuring, but sad, smile on her face. "There's nothing you can say to make me more disappointed than I've been my whole life. All I need to know is whether or not you can help me. And by the look on your face, it's clearly the latter." And even though she expected, Willow couldn't help but force back that tears that so desperately wanted to fill her eyes. She inhaled deeply, blinking and straightening her shoulders before looking back at Rosalynn.

     "Not necessarily." Rosalynn hummed, and this immediately made Willow furrow her eyebrows in confusion.

     "I'm sorry, doc. I don't think I heard you correctly." Willow forced herself to sit up correctly, narrowing her eyes slightly. "What do you mean by that?"

     "Here are your charts." Rosalynn offered her the pages and Willow hesitated for a moment before reaching out and taking them, scanning them with nothing but confusion in her eyes. Charts had never been her strong suit in school―︎nor was science. Willow rose an eyebrow, looking up from the charts before silently asking Rosalynn to explain what the hell it was that she was looking at. Rosalynn had to stifle back a small smile of amusement.

     "Your results are something that I've never seen before." She grabbed the charts from Willow. "It's intriguing really. And I think that if we find the right tools, that we may be able to help you. Now, I don't think there's even a possibility of getting rid of that alien life that's attached to you, reason being is because it's been attached to you for so incredibly long that your body has become it's official residence."

     "Let's skip the depressing shit?" Willow questioned. "My hope is very low at the moment, and I would really appreciate it if you refilled that battery so that I can breathe without the thought of being possessed by the literal devil and letting it kill everyone in my path." She gave Rosalynn a sarcastic smile.

     "We have resources." Rosalynn spoke slowly. "We can't get rid of it, no. But, there may be a possible way to contain it, or allow you access whenever you want to attempt to try and control it. But of course, we can just leave it be. This would purely be an experiment."

      "Hey, now. Just because I was bad at chemistry didn't mean I didn't enjoy the experiments." Willow was quick to usher out. She looked at Rosalynn expectantly, wondering if this was another false hope that was to be thrown at her. But she couldn't help herself. If she couldn't win, if she couldn't rip this thing from her body, then maybe she could over power it. Control in some way. And she wanted nothing more to be able to do that. To have a tiny piece of her life back.

      "Are you sure?"

     "Never been more sure of anything in my entire life." Willow nodded. She stood up anxiously, excited. "Rosalynn, doc, whatever your name is. If there is anyway you can give me some form of hope. . . I will literally get on my knees and beg you." She looked at Rosalynn for a few moments, watching as the doctor looked at her before finally Rosalynn nodded her head. Maybe this was going to be the point in her life where things were going to change. And that was something that Willow desperately needed right now.

     "We will do whatever it is that we can to help you, Willow." Rosalynn assured her. "Allow me to gather more information, and as soon as I have everything that I need, I'll call my contacts, and we will go from there. Sound like a plan?" Willow nodded her head, sitting back in the chair and placing her arm out for Rosalynn and Bruce to have access to.

     "Do what you have to do." Willow breathed. "Just do it fast. Because I really hate needles."


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