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SHE SHOOK HER HEAD, PACING the bedroom. Everything was too good. It was too calm. Something was going to go wrong, and she needed it to go wrong. Willow bit the skin on her lips, tightly closing her eyes as her thoughts raced rampantly in her head. One hand was on her hip the others was clasped tightly around the black necklace that she had yet to take off. A knock came on her bedroom door but she barely acknowledged it.

     Natasha carefully peaked her head into the room just to make sure she wasn't bothering Willow if she were sleeping or something along the lines of that. To her surprise she found the woman pacing. She pushed the door open further, allowing herself into the room and stood there, watching back and forth as Willow moved. She seemed to be worried about something, but as far as Natasha knew, everything was perfectly fine. Or it had been when they had talked last―︎which had been the night before. A frown fell on her lips, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Willow, is everything alright?"

     Willow stopped, snapping her head towards Natasha. Her hand immediately fell away from her necklace, falling limp at her side. She stared at Natasha who stared back. The two stood there in silence just looking at one another before finally Willow just shook her head. She motioned for Natasha to close the door behind of her and Natasha didn't hesitate to do so. Natasha turned back to her with silent question and with a sigh falling from her lips, Willow finally spoke up. "I think something bad is going to happen." It was eight simple words, but it was enough to make Natasha's shoulders straighten.

     "What do you mean 'something bad is going to happen'?" Natasha asked, her frown deepening. She crossed her arms over her chest as she took a couple steps closer towards the brunette. Her green eyes were going back and forth as she tried to read Willow's emotions. Each time her eyes managed to glance down towards the necklace that was laying against Willow's chest, almost like she was worried the demon was going to escape. "Willow, is everything alright?"

     Willow watched her girlfriend and immediately she took a step back. "You're scared." Her voice was soft as she spoke.

     Natasha's arms slowly fell as she watched Willow. "What am I supposed to be scared of exactly?"

     "Me." Willow's voice caught in her throat, tears pooling in her eyes. "You're scared of me. You're scared of what I can do. You're scared of the thing that's inside of me." Her panic and anxiety grew with each word that she spoke. Natasha was scared of her. She was scared of what she would become if the necklace were to ever break. A sharp pain ran through her chest and it felt like she was being stabbed in the heart.

     "Willow, I'm not scared of you." Natasha shook her head. "I promise you, I'm not scared of you." Natasha took another step forwards but stopped when she saw Willow take another step back. She could see hurt and betrayal lining the woman's face. Natasha shook her head. She wasn't scared of Willow. No, she loved Willow. She promised herself to never put herself in a position where she had to care so deeply about someone, yet Willow waltzed into her life and she completely forgot about that. How could she be scared of someone that she loved?

     "No. You're right." Willow nodded her head in agreement. "You're scared of the other version of me." She held onto her necklace, clenching it tightly in her fist. "You're scared that if this magical necklace breaks that it's game over. Everyone will die. Because once the beast is let out of its cage, there's no going back." Her heart was thumping in her ears, her blood was racing. Why was she so upset about this all of a sudden? Everything had been perfectly fine just a few moments ago, and now it felt like everything was falling apart. What had changed?

     "Can you blame me?" Her honesty kicked in. "Willow, there is a foreign creature that lives inside your body, and when she escapes, she kills. She kills so brutally it's almost hard to look at―︎this is coming from someone who has killed in the most inhuman ways possible. I'm not scared of you Willow, but every sane person would be scared of the thing that lives inside of you." She took a careful step closer, and luckily Willow didn't move away. "I don't want to be. I wish I wasn't. It doesn't change the way I feel about you. This technology―︎if you can even call it that―︎is knew. This magic. . . we don't know how well it works yet. And I'm just on edge. One wrong move and everything could go wrong."

     A tear trickled down her cheek. Fear swirled into her brown irises, causing Natasha to furrow her eyebrows in confusion. Slowly, Willow lifted her hand. Inside her hand was the necklace, the one that was supposed to be around her neck. The gem had turned from black back to its natural blue color. Whilst talking, she had accidentally gripped so tightly that the necklace broke in her hands. "It's headed that way."

     "Willow." Natasha kept her voice calm and steady. "Willow, look at me." Willow did what was asked of her. Her brown irises meeting Natasha's green ones. "Breathe. Don't panic."

     She couldn't help it. All Willow could do was shake her head, reaching forwards and handing Natasha the necklace. "Go." She whispered. "Please. I don't want to hurt you."

     "You won't hurt me." Natasha tried, reaching out to grab her hand but Willow shoved her hand away.

     Another tear fell down Willow's cheek. "Don't let me kill anyone else," she pleaded. And then the black started to swirl through her eyes and Natasha made a run for it.

 And then the black started to swirl through her eyes and Natasha made a run for it

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