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WHEN SHE WALKED AWAY FROM Natasha, her heart seemed to shatter in her chest. She didn't want to push Natasha away. She didn't want to lock herself up in a cell. But Willow knew what it was that needed to be done, and she would do whatever it took to make sure that everyone was safe. She wouldn't allow that alien to kill anyone else that she cared about. She was already scarred enough from killing her parents, she didn't need to kill the woman she found herself caring for.

Willow softly sighed, fixing her hair and pulling back into it's usual ponytail. She walked down the halls, barely looking up when she could feel the eyes of the staring agents on her. She knew that they knew what it was that she'd done. She was surprised that they were allowing her to walk around the facility freely seeing as the alien in her could come out anytime and slaughter half the people in this building within the blink of an eye. That's why she was going to find Nick Fury.

Willow found Nick Fury's office, stopping in front of it for a few moments, surprised to find that she was hesitating in her movements. She'd never hesitated before, so why was she hesitating now? What she was doing was best for everyone. She didn't care if it was uncomfortable for her, as long as the alien could stay in place and not murder people, that's all that she cared about. After forcing her thoughts to clear, she curled her hand into a fist and gently knocked against the door a few times and stood there, patiently waiting for the door to open.

The door opened and Nick Fury stood there on the other side of it, not at all surprised by the fact that Willow Michaels was standing there in front of him. In fact, he had been expecting it for a while now. She had held out a lot longer than he had originally imagined, and that gave him hope that there was a chance to keep Willow in control. He knew that Rosalynn was still attempting to get in touch with her contact, but until they could reach that person, Willow was simply a wild card that they couldn't control.

     "Willow," was all he said before walking away from the door and making his way back towards his desk.

Willow watched the man for a few moments, wondering how the hell her parents had ever trusted him. He just screamed untrustworthy. Nonetheless, she stepped into his office, closing the door behind her before turning around to look at him. She watched as he sat back down at his desk, not at all bothered by her presence as he went back to what he had been doing prior to her knocking on his door. She glanced around the office before forcing herself to walk forwards until she was standing in front of him.

She sat down in the chair that was on the opposite side of his desk. Watching him gave her a headache, so instead she just looked down to her hands as a frown fell on her face. Neither of them said anything, Fury wanting her to be the one to start the conversation. He didn't mind sitting in silence, but if she wanted to disrupt that silence then he was going to let her do so on her own terms. He stopped what he was doing only when she placed a key onto his desk.

Fury looked at the key, staring at it as if he were waiting for it to grow legs and start walking on its own. When it didn't, he looked back towards Willow. A sigh fell from his lips as he lay the file he had been looking at back into the side drawer. He closed the drawer before looking back at Willow, placing his elbows on his desk as he interlaced his fingers, staring at her with patience. It was quiet for a few more seconds before finally Willow finally managed to find her words and gather her thoughts.

     "I want you to take my room back," she started. "I don't deserve to have my own room, especially when I'm unsupervised in it. I jumped out of my own window because the demon wanted some human blood to consume. I'm a danger to this place, Fury. You know that as much as I do. I don't care what kind of deal you made with my parents when they were still alive. I'm a monster, and monsters deserve to be locked up in a cell where they can be watched and monitored all day, seven days a week."

     Fury just shrugged. "Alright. If that's what you want."

     "It's what I want." Her voice was defensive, as if she had been expecting him to argue against what she was saying. She stuttered over her words after the realization hit her that he had not said what she had expected him to. He hadn't said the words Natasha had said, and if she was being honest, it was a little unsettling for her. God, this man knew how to get under her skin simply by existing. It made her upset. "Alright? That's all that you have to say?"

     "Were you expecting something else?" Fury questioned the brunette. "I don't care what you do. As long as I can keep and eye on you, then do whatever you please. Preferably less killing if you wouldn't mind." He almost went back to his file, but stopped himself when he could feel her staring. "Look, you want to be locked up to punish yourself? Fine. Do it. I'll even give you the key so that you can do it yourself. But you know just as much as I do that that alien in you will stop at nothing to get what it wants. Doesn't matter how many steel bars you put between it and the outside world, it will find a way. So, lock yourself up if you truly wish, but nothing is going to make a difference unless you find a way to keep it contained."

That was all he had to say as he went back to his work. All Willow could do was stare at him with her mouth slightly agape before forcing herself to stand up from the chair, grabbing her room key, and making her way out of his office completely appalled by the words he had just said to her.

 All Willow could do was stare at him with her mouth slightly agape before forcing herself to stand up from the chair, grabbing her room key, and making her way out of his office completely appalled by the words he had just said to her

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