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WHEN SHE MADE IT BACK to the compound, she immediately made her way to her designated room. She closed her door and then closed her eyes as a deep breath fell from her lips. She made her way to the bathroom, quick to strip herself from her clothes and turn on the shower to the hottest the water could go before stepping in. The water pressure felt good against her skin, the feeling of something crawling beneath her veins vanishing. She just stood there for a few minutes before washing her hair and body and then stepping out and getting dressed.

She sat in her bed for what felt like hours, and all she could think of was the conversation that had taken place between herself and Natasha. The woman that had taken her out to eat because she didn't want anything to happen to her. Or maybe Fury had ordered Natasha to keep a close eye on her because he knew what she was and the danger she could create in a matter of seconds. She wouldn't be surprised if it were the latter.

Night started to fall, the light from her window slowly disappearing and leaving her in nothing but pitch black. Usually the dark terrified her, but as she sat there in the quiet, in the dark room, she felt at peace. Her mind was silent for once, and maybe that should've been the first red flag. The first warning that something bad was about to happen. She should've caught it. She knew the signs, but she'd never been able to do something about it before the thing inside of her took over and she would black out, forgetting everything that happened until she watched the news the following morning.

Her body was filled with black veins, the alien creature replacing the version of herself that the Avengers knew. Her dark hair turned red, her skin turned stone grey with the black lines seeping through, her eyes a mesmerizing shade of mauve, her fingers became black talons ready to strike and kill with her teeth turning razor sharp. It was inhumane, it was terrifying to look at, even the alien herself couldn't look at her reflection in the mirror. She was an apex predator that was about to be unleashed on the world.

Breaking through the glass of her room, she was quick to escape and slip into the shadows so that she couldn't be spotted. She crawled through the streets, watching the people walking up and down them with hungry eyes that darted back and forth with each passing human. She was trying to decide who was right for the first course. The first strike of blood that would leave Willow with another murder on her hands. Her talons were itching with desire, her teeth ready to sink into the skin that tasted so good to the alien. If Willow knew what the creature did when it was in control, she would be absolutely disgusted.

The sound of a man arguing caught the alien's attention. The alien snapped her head towards the sound, a wicked smile stretching across her face as she scrambled towards the sound. She peeked over the edge, watching with cat-like eyes as the man yelled to the woman in front of him, pointing a gun towards her in fits of rage. She crawled down the side of the building like a spider, keeping to the shadows so that the man nor woman could spot her. Just when the man was raising his gun, she was jumping down from the building, breaking the mans neck as she brought him to the ground, landing on his back and listening with satisfaction as his spine crumbled beneath her feet.

She leaned down, listening to the pulse that quickly faded. She sniffed the man's collar, growling in delight before looking up towards the woman and smiling at her with her razor sharp teeth before she sunk her teeth into the mans neck, pulling away as the blood spurted from his jugular like a water fountain. The woman screamed, making the alien snap her head towards her before coming at her full speed, shoving her hand into the woman's chest and ripping put her heart. She watched the woman fall to the ground before dropping the organ onto the ground.

The alien was smart. Either that or maybe Willow was still somehow in control and keeping the alien as human as an alien could possibly get. She always ate, but only enough to satisfy her hunger and nothing more. The alien enjoyed the killing more than she did the feasting. It was something about watching the horror in the persons eyes before they died that gave her more satisfaction than any amount of food ever could. She pulled away from the man―︎which was another thing, the alien always fed on the man, giving them a more harsh death, and usually left the woman alone with a death that would cause her less pain―︎stepping back to admire her work before scrambling back up the wall.

Three more murders took place, two more men and one more woman. One man's eyes had been scratched so badly they'd fallen from the sockets, the other man had claws that tore the skin from his torso and back, and the woman once again had her heart ripped out. As she stood up from another scene of murders, licking the blood from her hands the sound of someone jumping down and landing on the ground grabbed her attention. She turned her head slightly, her purple eyes meeting a pair of electric blue.

     "Well, someone's had some character development." And then a needle was shot into her neck, and her vision turned black.

" And then a needle was shot into her neck, and her vision turned black

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