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THERE'S A LOT OF THINGS that Willow wanted to do in her life. She wanted to spend time with her parents, she wanted to go to school, she wanted to experience the college life, she wanted to have relationships, she wanted to have a family of her own, but all of that had been ripped so violently from her grasp that she never bothered thinking about it again. And then Natasha Romanoff came into her life and changed that and now she was longing for all of those desires once again.

Willow wasn't expecting to come to the Avengers tower and find people that wanted to do everything they could to help her. She was even more so not expecting to find people that cared about her, much less fall in love with one of those said people. Love was something that she never had, other than the love her parents held for her―︎but she didn't get to experience much of that seeing as she killed them when she could barely say the word Jell-O without pronouncing the j with a y.

Natasha Romanoff was known to be this hard ass assassin that didn't show emotion and did whatever it took to complete the mission. Willow was the mission, her happiness was the mission, and if that meant that Natasha had to show her feelings to make sure she got that happiness, then so be it. Natasha had promised herself that she wouldn't get involved with anyone again, not after what happened last time, and then Willow had to change all that for her. The woman had turned her world completely upside down. She was the reason Natasha had tossed all her morals aside.

To say this was scary to both of them would be an understatement. For one, Willow had never been in a relationship, she'd never kissed anyone with meaning―︎every time she had kissed someone it was usually to distract them from the fact that she was about to kill them, and even so that had been the dark side of her. Second of all, Natasha had gotten hurt the last time she showed her heart to someone, it had ended with heartbreak and she didn't want to go through that again, but she had convinced herself that Willow was worth it.

Willow sat there anxiously. She was still waiting for Annabella to finish whatever the hell it was that she working on. It had been hours and she just wanted to test the damn thing to see if she could really gain control of the alien inside of her. Her knee bounced up and down as she pressed her interlaced hands to her mouth. Her hair was out of its usual ponytail, falling in her face every time her body would move an inch. She was about to just enter the lab and tell them to give her the unfinished product and get them to work from there.

"You bouncing your knee like that is causing the entire building to shake." Natasha's voice grabbed her attention. The brunette looked up from the spot on the floor she had been staring blankly at, removing her hands from her mouth as she pushed the hair out of her eyes. Natasha held two cups of coffee in her hand as she walked over to the woman, taking a seat beside of her and offering her the cup of coffee. Willow didn't hesitate to take it from her grasp, taking a sip of it and forcing herself not to cringe as the scalding liquid ran down her throat.

"Wow, that's hot." Willow coughed, pulling the mug away from her as she brought a hand up to her throat, twisting her head slightly as she let the pain run its course before it was gone. She swallowed, the burning sensation already gone and healed. She sighed before shrugging and bringing the mug back to her lips and taking another sip of the still burning liquid, though this time the pain didn't bother her as much. It was gone as soon as it came, that's how it always worked.

"Well, I did just make a fresh pot." Natasha told her, smirking in amusement as she took a sip of her own coffee, not minding the heat at all. Willow watched her with a glare of jealousy before remembering she could magically heal and Natasha had the pain tolerance of a wall. "You nervous?" Natasha asked, earning a blank look from Willow. Natasha shrugged her shoulder. "Just making conversation." Willow scoffed, shaking her head as she turned back towards her drink. "Seriously though, you don't need to be worried about this. Annabella will make this work, I believe in her."

"You know, I don't really trust a woman that doesn't believe in nicknames." Willow muttered. "What's up with that anyways? Why do we have to pronounce her whole name every time we say it? At this point I'm just going to say 'she' and hope that people know who the hell I'm talking about."

"It's a pretty name." Natasha tried.

"Well, so is Liliya but you don't see Steve calling her Liliya all the time. He calls her Lily or Lil. Like, come on. Eloise is a high and mighty person but Tony still calls her El. It's just a common thing so why doesn't she allow common people do common things?"

Natasha was amused by this. "Did you just say that we were common people?"

"That's the part you focused on?"

"It's the part that stood out the most." Natasha defended. "Besides, only one person can call her by a nickname and that person is Stephen Strange. Her boyfriend. Or husband. I'm not really sure which it is. Anyways, he's the only one that's allowed to call her Anna. I think it's sweet."

Willow scrunched her nose up in disgust. "Who are you and what have you done with Natasha?"

Natasha smirked. "What can I say, I'm a sucker for amusement."

"My annoyance brings you amusement."

"You in general bring me amusement." Natasha smiled. "What more could a girl want?"

In response, Willow just rolled her eyes and took another sip of her coffee.

In response, Willow just rolled her eyes and took another sip of her coffee

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