Chapter Thirty-Two

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"A fire breathing dragon?" your voice was barely audible.
"Aww, come on now, don't be scared," the Doctor bantered.
"Who said I was scared? That's awesome!" you squealed. You saw Jack shaking his head in slowly.
"It just blew one-fourth of the Great Wall of China to ashes! How is that great?" Jack unexpectedly startled you.
"I never said that was great. I didn't even know that the dragon blew it down, let alone that dragons even existed," you remarked. You saw the tips of the Doctor's lips rise into a smirk.
"Well, they do now," Jack stated as the three of you walked calmly through a crowd of rushing, terrified people.
"We need to find someone to talk to, someone who rules all these people," you suggested, almost shouting about all the noise and chaos.
"Except, we don't know Chinese, Y/N," Jack retorted.
"Actually I do," the Doctor chimed in.
"Of course you do,"  Jack replied back.
"Any language, you name it. It's sort of like a gift to the TimeLords-
"Can I-" the Doctor seemed to have read your mind,yet again.
"You're still in your "training progress." It will take you a while to learn all the languages, but yes, it should come soon, if I'm not mistaken," the Doctor told you. You couldn't help but do your own little happy dance.
"Doctor, there's the head building," Jack pointed out. You saw a beautiful building in front of you with mountains in the background.
"Well, come along then," the Doctor said as he took off in a dead sprint, rushing through the crowd.
After arriving at the front doors of the building, you wished you had time to have changed out of your dress. It was getting rather annoying. You lost count of how many times you had to fix it or re-adjust it.
"You know, if we somehow miraculously get rid of this dragon, you can get out of that dress later," the Doctor startled you as he approached from behind you.
"Shhh," you laughed playfully.
Right here, everything seemed so perfect, besides the thought that you thought Jack was sort of being a party pooper. You were starting to have a guilt attack about how you had attacked Jack earlier, but then an unknown voice interuppted your thoughts.
"Doctor," a strange man greeted in Chinese. (Just pretend the English dialogue is suppose to be in Chinese lawl)
" Emperor Kangyogn," the Doctor greeted.
"Have you come here to return the stolen diadem?" Emperor Kangyogn implied.
You and Jack gave a questionable look at either as you saw the Doctor take out his sonic screwdriver.

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