Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"Doctor, please, it's Y/N. You know me, you-" you pleaded but you were cut off by your own shriek as he pressured the gun farther into your head.
"TimeLords wouldn't plead for their life, they would be honored to give up their life for something they were trying to save," the Doctor withdrew the gun from your head.
"What, what the hell? I wasn't even saving anything at this moment! Why would you do something like that?!" You gritted your teeth at him.
You heard Jack chuckle.
"Oh so you think this is funny to, don't you?" You said as you sauntered over to Jack.
"It's called a TimeLord-"
"TimeLady," you corrected the Doctor.
"It's called a TimeLady Evaluation, Y/N. Just a little something to keep our relationship alive or however you may see it as," the Doctor rolled on.
You didn't know whether or not to be angry or relieved. You were finding no words to say.
"I need some air,"you said after an awkward silence.
"Y/N, Y/N," you didn't here the rest of what the Doctor said for the slamming of the door shut out his voice.
You were lost in your own thoughts. Why do I have to be here? Why am I destined to be the TimeLady? Sure the Doctor is amazing, but this all seems like some type of dream-
"A dream you say? I wouldn't consider it a dream," the Doctor said as he sneaked up behind you, as he put his arms around you.
"Then what would you consider it then?" you asked him.
"An adventure," he whispered into your ear.
You were so distracted by his scent, that you didn't notice you were standing in some type of crowded market place.
"And I also came out to tell you that you are only wearing a robe and all these lovely people out here are looking at you strangely," the Doctor quietly explained.
Your cheeks blushed as bright as a tomato.
You heard the Doctor laugh and he instantly picked you up as you two headed back inside the TARDIS.

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