Chapter Six

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"It's always good to see you, Your Majesty," the Doctor said as he walked closer to the queen.

"What brings you around this time?" the queen asked.

"Well-" the Doctor was interuppted by a scream.

The Doctor turned around, facing his back towards the queen. He looked around and you still had your eyes focused on the queen.

"And you must be the Doctor's new companion, I never did catch your name, dear," the queen said as she held out her hand to shake yours.
The queen wants to shake my hand? You thought to yourself, awed.

You put your hand out and then quickly pulled it back. You saw the queen flash into some type of creature and then back to herself.

The Doctor still had his back turned and appeared to be in deep thought.

"Doctor..." You warned.

"I'm thinking, Y/N," the Doctor shushed you.

"But Doctor-"

"Aren't you going to shake my hand dear?" the so called queen persisted.

"Go on, Y/N," the Doctor said.

"I don't think that would be a good idea," you said slowly backing up. Whatever was inside the queen was showing its full image.

"And why not?" the Doctor asked as he turned around.

"It can't be... " the Doctor said, slowly backing up.

"Oh it is, Doctor," the creature said. Suddenly a high pitched shrill erupted from the creature.

"Let go of the queen and then we can talk," the Doctor commanded.

"You're telling me that these creatures are taking over people's bodies?" you asked, as the both of you continued to back away.

"Yeah, something like that," the Doctor replied.

"Well, what are they?" you asked, with a thud. You and the Doctor had your backs right up agaisnt the wall. The creature was still inching towards you.

"Hooligans," the Doctor stated.

You laughed at the Doctor and then he gave you a stern look.

Hope you are having a wonderful Christmas! Another  Update tonight!

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