Chapter Forty-Two

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*******What felt like a couple of hours********************
You abruptly sat up but regretted doing that for your head was pounding. You rubbed your temples with your fingers.
"He's not going to save you," You heard a voice, that sounded like a creepy clown, that ones you hear at a carnival.
"I'm a Time Lady. I am very capable of saving my own skin," You say standing up, your head was ringing.
"Take a look around you, you didn't save this you," the voice said. You took a look around as you slowly turned in a circle as you saw your house. It looked so nice, so simple.
"That wasn't my fault, the cybermen or whatever they are called destroyed my town, they-" You were starting to get hotheaded. Was this some type of test? No, wait. You were in Cuba and you magically disappeared, just like that Jason guy said other people were.
"There are still cybermen out there, they could destroy you any minute," the creepy clown face replied.
"Well, have them come at me, bro," you sassed back, but truth was you were scared.
"The hour will come," the creepy clown voice was starting to fade off into the distance.
"Wait-" You knew it was no use. You tried not to look frantic, but nothing helped. You decided to go outside to get some fresh air. Before getting outside, you grabbed the bottom piece of a lamp just for safety purposes. All you knew was that this is your house, but you didn't know what to expect outside.
Well, your gut instinct was certainly right. You had no time to react as something knocked you to the ground.
"We're back," the Hooligan said in a singsong voice as you stared right into its eyes.

Sorry it's been so long! Anyways, I'm currently working on Lyric's Justice, make sure to check it out and I also want you to go read allonsy_rwary's doctor who story! It's amazing, make sure you check that out! You guys have been so great to me even though I haven't been on every day. Your comments make me laugh so much sometimes, I'm glad to see that you are enjoying the story! Til we meet again,

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