Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: It feels so strange putting the author's at the beginning, but I'm sooo excited! Today we got out 3 hours early
-I know, I know, you're probably thinking, how come I didn't update this afternoon? Tbh, I was lazy and just wanted to catch up on some episodes on Netflix. And we have a two hour late start tomorrow due to the blizzard we had here in Iowa today! So yesh, there will be two updates tonight :D Without further a due, may I present to you, Chapter Fourteen! *imaginary round of applause* (God, I'm such a nerd but here you go!)

You collapsed to the ground inside the TARDIS. Somehow, your leg had survived through that torture. You knew you had to get to go find the Doctor. Where is he? You thought as you grimaced with pain. You hobbled around as you held on to the center of the TARDIS for support.

"Doctor!" You screamed as you saw him, still twitching, on the ground.

"Y/N!" the Doctor yelled.

You shrieked as you saw the Doctor flash into a Hooligan and then back to himself.

"Put the diadem-" the Doctor yelled in pain.

"Doctor!" you urged. You needed him to tell you where you needed to put that diadem so these Hooligans could disappear.

"In the heart, Y/N," the Doctor said through pain.

"The heart of what?" You yelled back.

This time you got no response from the Doctor.

"D-Doctor?" You asked, in a frightened tone.

Still no respone. The Doctor laid there, useless.

"The heart of what?" You yelled angrily at the TARDIS.
The heart, the heart, You thought. The heart is one of the sources that keeps a living thing, well living. If-

You smiled. You hurriedly limped over to the middle of the TARDIS. Sure enough, you saw where the Doctor told you to put the diadem. You placed it in the heart of the TARDIS and you watched hopelessly as the TARDIS grew dark.

Next chapter on its way soon!

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