Chapter 1: Another Day on Mandalore

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Shade Bio and Teen Description
:Dark brown short hair
Purple eyes that glow in the dark
:White skin
:Age 14
:Height 5'9
: Planet Mandalore at the moment
:Wears an outfit similar to this

Before we begin, we just wanna say I'm a rookie writer. This is my first book, so please don't be too harsh on me.


My aunt was making my favorite meal for dinner. Roasted Porg. We lived on Mandalore for as long as I could remember I never got to go on any of my Aunts trips to other planets she kept saying how they were too dangerous and how she couldn't bare to see me get involved with her work. She was a Bounty hunter, a damn good Bounty hunter who always killed or kidnapped her targets, making some very good money for us. Money was never an issue for us. I was never a spoiled child. I was grateful for what I had. Even though my aunt made very good money, she was messing with very powerful people Jedi Sith and several crime families, but she didn't care. Nobody stands in her way.....or so I thought


I was in Mandalore Town square wandering around looking at the beautiful fountains and food at the market. I had come here since I was little when my aunt took me and showed me around the square, introducing me to people and friends of hers. It was even more beautiful at night when everything glows and the fountains are lit up like the sun... It was quite a sight, but sadly, I never got to see that happen today. I looked down and saw that my comlink was blinking. Auntie always wanted me to have it close by whenever she needed me, or if I needed her help, I answered it

Shade: "Hello?"

Aunt: "Hello, dear. i was wondering when you're going to be coming back home? Dinner will be ready soon."

Shade: "Oh wow, it's that late already, geez. I better get home."

Aunt: "Hurry, you don't want your food to get cold. I made your favorite."

Shade: "Ok, I'll see you soon. Love you, bye."

Aunt: "Love you too, dear."

I hanged up and I started to leave the town square I walked pass all the colorful buildings wondering how the Duchess had Deathwatch under control there hasn't been an attack in months but I'm assuming the Civil war is going on even though my Aunt is a Bounty hunter she's still loyal to the Duchess Deathwatch is still a big problem and people like me are just trying to ignore it.

I was walking through the market where I could smell the fresh bread and fruits. "I should have brought my wallet." I thought to myself.

As I went through the market, I had a feeling a bad feeling like I was being followed by someone, but every time I turned my head, nobody was there. I had enough, and I began walking backwards, making sure I wasn't being followed when all of a sudden I bumped into someone. I fell forwards and I'm guessing whoever it was fell backward.

I rolled over and started to stand up when a hand reached out towards me I looked up to see a Togruta a female Togruta one I had never seen before she had unusual blue skin with white beautiful markings on her face she also had a blue and white lekku and some type of Togruta crown
I stared at her curiously until she said something.

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