Chapter 7: Fire and Chaos

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My eyes were locked onto the Jackal creature as he stood only a couple of feet from my aunt his yellow eyes looked feral and wild as he studied her.

???: "There's quite a Bounty for your head and I'll be the one who collects it."

The Jackal spoke through his mask his voice was almost mechanical due to it. He slowly began circling her as he dragged the Sickles in his hand across the pavement attempting to strike fear into her.

Fire and smoke reflected off her helmet as she began circling the Jackal creature brandishing her Vibro knife in one hand and Blaster pistol in the other.

Aubrey: "I thought I smelled something in the air...Working with terrorists now Alpha?"

The Jackal let out a small chuckle

Alpha: "Don't take it personally it's just business killing you is just part of the job."

Aubrey: "That's not gonna happen"

Alpha: "Will see..."

After he spoke those words he suddenly dashed at the Mandalorian swinging his Sickles wildly at her

With a quick reaction, she stepped out of the way and began shooting at the Jackal Bounty hunter

Alpha quickly turned around and began deflecting shots with his Sickles eventually deflecting one directly at her which knocked the Blaster out of her hand only leaving her with a Vibroblade.

I watched as my Aunt ran over to the creature and began swinging and slicing at him blows and slices were traded as they hit each other.

I got up from where I was hiding I couldn't just sit and watch her fight this battle alone I needed to help her or at least try.

But before I could do anything I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Riggs: "Whatever you're thinking it's not a good idea we will die if we go out there."

He said as he whispered to me I turned around to face him

Shade: I'm not just gonna sit here and watch her die I have to at least try

I pushed his hand off my shoulder ran toward the front of the store and opened the door

The air was still full of smoke and all I could see was fire and debris but I kept low to the ground to not get seen by any Mandalorians.

I crept closer to where my aunt was fighting and saw that she was winning as it looked like the Jackal Bounty hunter was running out of breath and his movement was getting slower.

It wasn't until he threw a punch and she caught it with him being exposed she kicked him in the stomach before dropping to the ground and hitting him with a leg sweep.

He fell to the ground hard before letting out a loud yell he attempted to grab one of his Sickles but before he could she stepped on one of his hands

Aubrey: "You're beaten who hired yo-"

Before she could finish her sentence a black blade pierced her chest as she was stabbed by the black lightsaber from behind

I...I couldn't believe it my eyes began to water and my knees felt weak as I watched the one person who raised me...who cared for me someone who was always there when I had a bad day....was now gone

Her body fell to the ground with a loud THUD behind her was the blue Mandalorian from earlier

Pre-Vizla: "I was expecting you to have that."

He offered a hand to Alpha but he slapped it away and stood up

Alpha: "She was stronger than I anticipated...doesn't matter the Duchess's best warrior is dead this will make your mission easier and I'll get paid sooner."

Pre-Vizla: "Yeah...wrap up this Neighborhood make sure you kill everything you see...I want this to be a thorough message to her."

I finally snapped out of my trance and I set my gaze on the 2 warriors who had just murdered my Aunt

I felt a feeling I've never had before a feeling filled with guilt...filled with rage and anger...I'm going to kill them

My eyes noticed a blaster on the ground and I leaned down to pick it up they weren't gonna hurt any more people if I had anything to say about it

I aimed the Blaster carefully at them the sight landed on the Mandalorian's head and I pulled the trigger.

The bolt flew through the air but it missed and grazed his cheek leaving a small burn mark he cupped his cheek and he let out a small yell before looking in the direction of the blast and seeing me.

Pre-Vizla: "You..."

I aimed the Blaster again and fired another shot but then the Jackal blocked it with his Sickles he then charged at me with incredible speed before knocking me to the ground.

The Blaster flew out of my hand and I landed on the pavement hard my back scraping against it as the Jackal creature had his hoove on my chest

Alpha: "You've got guts kid...I'll give you that but you should've run with the others."

I attempted to get up but the weight of his hoove kept me down

Shade: "I'm gonna kill the both of you for what you did to these people if it is the last thing I do!"

I spat at the Jackal creature before his hoove moved to my neck instead of the chest breathing became difficult as the pressure increased on my neck.

Alpha: "(Scoffs) Good luck with that."

I watched as he raised one of his Sickles over his head and the last thing I felt was the stinging of electricity hitting my face before I passed out...



I heard a voice call eyes opened slowly everything was blurry all I could hear was the sound of Blaster fire and explosions

A familiar blue Togruta suddenly filled my vision as she knelt at my side

Shade: "Ke-Kelana...?

I choked as I realized talking was a bad idea when a burst of pain filled my throat which caused me to squirm and move on the hard pavement.

Kelana: "Shh shh don't try to talk you''re gonna be ok...just stay with us."

I tried to say something to her but all that came out was a small wheeze and gasp I choked on my words and squirmed on the ground

A burning pain covered my face and was in my throat. I wanted it to stop I wanted it to end...that's all I felt before I passed out from the pain.

And that is how I died....or so I thought

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