Chapter 6: A Night To Remember

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Shade's POV~

I opened my eyes, expecting to wake up to nothing.

However, when I did open them, I was still alive. I then saw the Blue Mandalorian fall to his knees with an amber hole in his chest.

He then slumped over dead and standing over top of him... was my aunt.

Shade: "Auntie..."

That was all I could say before she grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet. I take this moment to look around and see all the chaos happening around me buildings on fire dead people in the many dead people.

Aubrey: "Shade Shade, are you ok??"

I rub my head and look up at her, wondering what the hell is going on.

Shade: "I'm alright... but what's going on?"

Aubrey: "We are under attack by
Deathwatch, they're trying to send a message to the Duchess by killing innocent civilians."

She says to me through her helmet. I couldn't help but wonder at that moment why our neighborhood was being attacked it must've been quite the message they were trying to send to the Duchess.

I felt her armored hand grasp my shoulder as she knelt to speak to me better.

Aubrey: "Shade... listen to me closely."

I nodded my head quickly as she spoke.

Aubrey: "I need you to go and take your friends somewhere safe until he is all over. Can you do that...?"

I looked again at the burning streets and buildings thinking about all those innocent people that have already lost their lives...

Shade: "Yes, yes, I can do that. We'll find someplace to hide...what about you?"

Aubrey: "There are still people that need my help. Don't worry, Shade, I'll be just fine now, GO!"

After she said those words, I felt her give me a little shove from behind to get me to start running

I stumbled a little bit from her shove, but I started running desperately trying to find Riggs and Daina. I knew they were somewhere nearby in the rubble.

I looked around the alley where we just were, and I saw them lying on the pavement they looked like they were just starting to get up. I quickly ran over to them and began to help both of them up.

Shade: "Come on, we have to get out of here!"

I helped Riggs to his feet, and then Daina, they both had a look of terror and confusion on their faces.

Riggs: "Ugh...w-where are we going...what's happening?"

He rubbed the back of his head before looking at me. I noticed the side of his head was bleeding, probably from the impact of the blast.

Shade: "There's no time come on. We gotta find shelter!"

The entrance of the alley suddenly burst into flames from a rocket explosion. We couldn't go that way, so I figured we'd have to exit out the back end of the alley

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