Chapter 8 A New Beginning

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~Shade's POV~

I woke up to the sound of buzzing lights. My eyes slowly drifted open and a bright ceiling light was the first thing I saw.

My body still ached from the attack and I couldn't remember much after the explosions and Blaster shots

I slowly began to sit up but stopped halfway when I felt a sharp stinging pain in my Abdomen. I looked down and saw that my arms and chest were covered in bandages that were wrapped around my entire body.

I brought my hands to my face feeling that it felt much different. My skin felt rough and damaged, not the same smooth texture as before…Where am I?

Shade: “Hello? Is anyone there?”

I asked in a rough hoarse voice my throat began to feel that burning pain again so I tried my best to stay quiet.

My eyes darted around the room. I noticed that there were several other beds similar to the one I was laying in. Then I noticed Riggs and Daina a couple beds away from me. They also had bandages on their arms and chest Riggs had a large bandage around his head which covered one of his eyes.

“What is this place?” I thought to myself but just as I attempted to try and get out of bed again I heard a metal door slide open across the room.

What came into view were two men one was wearing a Lab coat and the other one was wearing some kind of battle armor with a strange symbol on his right upper shoulder.

They walked over to my side of the room after noticing I was awake and the man in the lab coat stood by my bedside.

???: “Good to see your awake boy…”

The armored stranger said as he looked down upon me while I laid in my bed 

Shade: “Who-”

???: “Don't speak…just listen”

The armored soldier said as he cut me off he put his hand out signaling me to be quiet.

???: “My name is General Dread. We are the Phantom Soldiers, the galaxy's best Bounty Hunters, Smugglers and Assassin's. We rescued you and your friends from the debris after the attack from Deathwatch and the Zeron Brotherhood, however the Republic caused the Terrorists to retreat…you are safe aboard our ship for now.”

He knelt down by my bedside to get down to my level. I noticed all the scratches and scars across his face. His voice was very deep and commanding which seems to fit him very well.

Dread: “Your Aubrey's boy am I correct?”

Shade: “Y-yes”

I responded with a weak voice i could still feel the burning feeling as I spoke

Dread: “She was a strong Mandalorian. I'm very sorry for your loss…we worked with her many times and on many occasions in the field.”

He stood up and The man in the white lab coat stood in his place holding what looked like a syringe with a green liquid in place

Doctor: “This is Bacta it will help heal your wounds faster, however there's not much I can do about the scorch mark…whatever weapon you got hit by it's gonna leave a nasty mark for a long time.”

I couldn't believe the situation I was in. Only a few hours earlier I was at work with my friends hanging out  talking and having a great time. Now I lie in a hospital bed with bandages all over me and strapped up to a machine.

There was a stinging feeling in my neck as he injected me with the bacta these people were helping me because of Auntie?

Shade: “So you're helping me because of my Aunt…?”

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