Chapter 2: Time for work

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I woke up the next morning and got out of my bed put on a fresh shirt and a black hood I exited my room and headed down stairs where I was greeted by my Aunt. I sat down at the table while my Aunt made breakfast while I was sitting down she said.

"Who's this girl you were talking about last night?" My Aunt said with a smirk as she sat down with our food. "Oh yeah Kelana." I said as I began to dig into my food.

"She's new to Mandalore and she needed help getting around she seems really nice though." I said "Oh well thats nice where is she from?" My aunt said. "She's from Shili." I said "Oh shes a Togruta then" My aunt said I nodded In response. "What else did you do? My aunt asked "Well I walked her to the Academy and we just talked about random thing's." I said.

My aunt stopped Eating and looked at me for a few seconds raising her brow. "The Academy why would she wanna go there late at night?" My aunt asked. "I don't know I didn't ask ."

Me and my Aunt continued to eat our food we finished and I helped her put the Dishes away and wash them I packed my bag and I headed for work. At the time I worked at the shipping bay I helped load crates and cargo onto ships I called a Uber (Yes there is space Uber) and waited for it to arrive...

When it arrived I got in and sat down "Where to?" The Uber driver asked

"Shipping bay 27." I said "Alright man here we go." He said and we took off.

As we were driving there I was looking out the window at all the Beautiful scenery all the colorful buildings and landscapes. We arrived at the entrance of the hanger where I paid the driver some credits I got out and walked over to the hanger.

I had always loved working in the hanger sure the people were rude and stubborn but that's normal when your ship is broken or maybe I'm being too kind.


I was working on someone's ship the customer blew out his engine and I had to replace it with a new one I was covered In oil and dirt while I was working on the engine. When my friend or should I say best friend Riggs came up to me while I was replacing the engine when he walked over to me

"Still working on that engine?" He said "Yeah I've been working on it all day It's a piece of junk." I responded back "Well hopefully things will go your way I'm going to take my lunch break I'll talk to you later." He walked away and I continued working on the engine I was under the ship now trying to get some of the wires in place when I heard footsteps heading towards the ship. I thought it was Riggs and that he was done with his lunch break and was going to help me out. "Back so soon I thought you just left?" I said I started to make my way out from under the ship when all of a sudden I felt a hand grab my hand as I was almost out it happened so fast but.... it was a familiar touch I opened my eyes and I saw her....Kelana?

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