Chapter 9: Bar Shootout

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~3 years later~

On the lower levels of Coruscant inside a small bar were a bunch of thugs of all different species harassing the bar owner.

A tall male human thug picks up a glass mug off the bar counter.

Thug Leader: "Listen Martinez we've made things very clear and easy for you. You pay for our protection and things like this don't happen."

The thug throws the glass mug at the wall behind the bar owner who is cowering in fear and doesn't know what to do.

Martinez: "L-Listen times have been tough business has been slower than usual I can get your credits in a couple wee-"

The human thug reaches across the counter and grabs Martinez by the neck before slamming his head against the counter.

Thug Leader: "You know that's not how we do things... When we want payment we want it then and now. I suppose you'll have to learn this the hard way."

Two other thugs one being a Rodian and the other a Bald human male began flipping tables and smashing bottles of expensive alcohol.

Another human thug walked over to a table where a young Togruta couple was sitting picked up the male Togruta food and took a bite out of it before dropping it on the floor.

Togruta male: "HEY you can't do that!"

He yelled in a thick accent the thug responded by drawing a blaster that was on his holster and aiming it at him.

Thug: "You wanna say that again huh? I can do whatever the fuck I want."

The Blaster in his hand clicks and he walks closer to him

Thug: Matter of fact why don't you drop what you got on you

He walks over to the female Togruta and reaches for her purse when the door of the bar slid open with a loud HISS catching his attention away from the couple.

In the entrance of the bar stood a tall figure wearing a black cloak with the hood up he also had a black scarf covering the lower half of his face as well as brown gloves and a long staff on his back.

The figure walked into the bar passing the thugs before taking a seat on a stool at the bar a couple feet away from the Leader Thug.

The thug stares at the figure for a moment before noticing the symbol on his shoulder pad.

Thug Leader: "Huh...Phantom Soldier? What's someone like you doing here?"

He let's go of the bar owner, his attention now fully on the cloaked figure at the bar.

The stranger didn't speak or move as he sat at the bar. He picked up a bottle that wasn't smashed and poured the liquids of the drink into a glass cup.

Thug Leader: "Not much of a talker are you? You know this is our neighborhood right?"

The two thugs that were trashing the bar walk over to where the Leader was talking to the cloaked stranger.

Thug Leader: "Now I'll make this clear either hand over your weapons and credits or we will take them off your corpse."

There was a long pause before the figure turned his head to look at the Thug Leader he then spoke in a raspy voice.

???: "If you knew what was going to happen to you you would've been gone by now..."

The two thugs behind him let out a little chuckle before a smirk formed on the Thug Leader's face.

Thug Leader: "So you do talk and what makes you think you can threaten me like that hmm?"

The figure slowly puts his drink down before turning his head again to look at the Leader. In the blink of an eye, the stranger stood up and elbowed the Bald human thug in the face standing behind him causing him to fall back.

The Rodian attempted to draw his Blaster but was punched in the face. The Stranger turned around seeing the Leader draw his Blaster pistol and began firing at him.

The stranger took cover behind a flipped table as the Leader kept shooting at him one of the thugs grabbed him from behind in reaction the stranger grabbed the staff off his back igniting it and revealing it to be an Electro staff he then stabbed the Thug that was grabbing him electrocuting him causing the Thug to fall to the ground.

The Stranger stood up with his Electro Staff in hand and deflected one of the Blaster shots back at the Leader hitting him in the shoulder he let out a yell as he fell to the ground.

The Rodian stood back up and charged at the Stranger he backed out of the way and hit the Rodian in the face with the staff , knocking him out cold.


The stranger turned around to see the last thug holding the female Togruta in a headlock with a blaster pistol to her head the male Togruta was knocked out cold his nose bleeding.

Thug: You drop your weapon or I blow a hole through her head...

The stranger's purple eyes widened at this but he reluctantly turned off his Electro Staff he slowly lowered it before setting it on the ground

The thug watched his movements carefully keeping the barrel of his blaster against the Togrutas head

Thug: stand up slowly

Glaring at him the stranger complied with this slowly standing up with his arms by his side

The thug lowered his blaster a little from the Togrutas head and kept his eyes on the Stranger. All of a sudden the female Togruta stepped on his foot with her heels causing the Thug to yell in pain and let go of her.

Before the thug could do anything he was shot in the stomach by the Stranger who drew his own blaster from his holster.

The thug groaned and dropped his gun before he was shot again this time in the head his body fell to the ground.

The stranger then spun around and shot the Leader Thug in the chest before he could shoot his blaster. His body fell to the ground as well.

The stranger then walked over to the Togruta female who was tending to the Male

???: "Will he be ok?"

He asks in his raspy voice Kneeling so he can get a look at him.

Togruta female: Yes I think so...thank you so much for saving my life

The stranger nods before standing up and picking up his Electro Staff before putting it on his back he then walks over to the Leader Thug's body and rips off the necklace he was wearing before putting it in his cloak.

He then walked over to the bar and kneeled down to help the Bar owner up

???: "Will you be ok?"

The Bar owner stumbles a little bit but catches himself and sits down on a nearby seat

Martinez: "Yeah...yeah I'll be alright it's not the first time I've dealt with street thugs like these."

???: "If they know better they'll keep away from this part of Coruscant."

Martinez: "Thank you for your help. I don't know what I would've done. Hey, look if you ever come back here, free drinks on the house if that will make it up to you."

The stranger chuckles a small bit under his scarf before nodding to it.

???: "Alright I'll think about it."

He walks away passing the bodies of the thugs before reaching the exit, opening the door and walking out of the bar.

Outside he walks over to his speeder that was parked next to several others beside the bar. He starts up the speeder and begins driving down the roads of Coruscant and then towards the lower levels.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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