Chapter 3: An Unexpected Visit

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~Shade's POV~

I was pulled up by an unknown figure I was wiping the oil and guck off my face. When my vision was cleared I saw her again....Kelana I must have looked like an Idiot because she giggled a bit when she saw my face "What are you doing here?" I asked she stopped giggling and looked at me "Well me and my Master are about to leave In a few minutes and I saw you so I just wanted to say goodbye Is all."

I was confused and all of a sudden...sad I don't know why I had these feelings I have only known this girl for a day and a half but If I'm honest It felt more then that.

I noticed that Riggs and his sister Daina were looking at me from a distance I couldn't read there facial expresions from that far away but they were definietly smiling I shot them a glare but I doubt they saw It. Kelana could tell something caught by eye so she turned around and saw Riggs and Daina looking at us "Who are they?" she asked I turned my head so now that I was looking at her "Just a bunch of nobody's"

I replied back Kelana then turned her body back to face me and looked at me again "Doesn't seem like that" Kelana said I just shook my head with a small smile on my face. I walked past her and put the Wrench in my hand back on the workbench It was disorganized like always I never had anything organized at work everything was misplaced or missing.

After I put it down I turned to face the Togruta she was inspecting my work that I was doing on the ship she was analyzing it "Not bad" She said I looked at her "Didn't know you were into ships." I said she rubbed her hand against the side of the Engine as she looked at me "There's a lot you don't know about me Shade." She said as she stared at me I didn't know what she meant like I said before I know nothing about the Jedi or there abilities "Then I'd like to know more about you." I say but before she could say anything else Riggs came back from his break.

"Hey Shade." Riggs says as he walks over to me "Enjoy your lunch?" I ask as I notice a food stain on the corner of his mouth "Yeah I did actually thanks for asking." He said responding back "You have food on the corner of your mouth." I say He wiped his mouth with the napkin he had in his hand He then notices the Togruta standing across from me. "Who are you?" He asks Kelana switched her gaze from me to Riggs
"Oh no one special." She says she steps away from the engine and begins to walk away when a figure walked over to us she didn't wear a robe like Kelana but she was wearing some type of crop top outfit with brown tights her skin was also blue she had some head tails I could tell she was a Jedi because of her lightsaber on her belt I recognized her species she was a Twi'lek.

" She says she steps away from the engine and begins to walk away when a figure walked over to us she didn't wear a robe like Kelana but she was wearing some type of crop top outfit with brown tights her skin was also blue she had some head tails ...

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"Oh hello master." She says as she bows at the figure "Hello Kelana." The Twi'lek says as she stands in front of her "I just came to tell you that our ship will need some repairs and we will be delayed for a couple of hours." She says the Twi'leks gaze went from Kelana to us "Have you made some new friends?" She asks Kelana turns around and looks at us "Yeah I did that's Shade." she points at me she moves her arm now pointing at Riggs "And....uh sorry who are you?" Kelana asks "Riggs" he answers back

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