Chapter 4: Mandalore Crisis

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~Kelana's POV~

I was running to the Hanger not trying to think about what I saw in Shade it didn't make sense everything about him seemed normal and innocent but I'm not sure anymore.

I see my Master standing at the landing pad by the ship I quickly run up to her. "You made it here just in time my Padawan." She said while crossing her arms and looking at me. "I'm sorry Master I was just saying goodbye to them," I said while trying to catch my breath. "Did you enjoy your time with them?" She asked. I did enjoy spending time with them until that last part. "Yeah, I had a great time Master I'm ready to go."

Me and my Master walked into the shuttle we both sat down as the Shuttle took off into orbit. We just sat there in silence as the ship took us off the planet and back to orbit where our Venator was above Mandalore.

We docked in our Hanger and we both  walked off the ship I looked around and saw dozens of Clones and Crew Members around the Hanger   repairing ships and doing
Maintenance is kind of like what Shade was doing...Shade...God why can't I get him out of my head he was Nice and sweet but I still can't forget what I saw in him that silence I couldn't feel the force in him I've never experienced that just pure silence and nothingness it's so...unnerving I just don't know what to do should I tell Ayala?

"Kelana are you there." Ayala says to me I snap out of my thoughts and look up at her "Yes Master sorry I was thinking about something what is it?" I respond "We need to head to the Bridge to alert Admiral Yosemite of our Success. Follow me little one." She says as she starts walking away I follow her close behind.

"You know I'm not so little anymore," I say to her She smiles as we continue to walk. "I know but I remember when you were first assigned to be my Padawan you were the most Shyest Nervous out of all the other Younglings all of the other Masters....overlooked you" Her Face tenses up from finishing that sentence.

"I probably shouldn't have told you that." She says with a frown "But when I first laid my eyes on you I knew you were the Padawan for me you were so little back then." She sighed "Times were much different back then." She added as we walked past the long hallways and corridors passing Clones Maintenance Crew Members and Officers.

Finally, we reached the Bridge we saw Admiral Yosemite standing at the front of the Bridge looking out into space he noticed us and turned around. "Ah Master Secura Padawan Rin how was your mission?" He asked, "It was a success Admiral set a course back to Coruscant." My Master says.

"Unfortunately we cannot leave yet you appear to have visitors." He says as he points to a ship flying towards the Venator we all watched as the ship headed towards the hanger opening.

"We should probably see who that is." I say to Ayala "Yes we probably should." She responds as we both exit the Bridge and head towards the hangar.

We finally reach the hangar and just in time to see 2 figures walk down from their ship My God It was Anakin Skywalker!? Am I dreaming right now? THE Anakin Skywalker! I couldn't believe it and the other figure was an Orange Togruta who had white diamond-shaped markings she wore a crop top and some white tights with a belt that covered her waist she had blue eyes that matched her lekku and a lightsaber on her belt.

She looked a bit younger than me as well

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She looked a bit younger than me as well. They walked up to us I quickly straightened my posture and tried to look as professional as possible.

They stopped in front of us "Good to see you again Master Secura." Anakin says with a smile on his face.

"Good to see you as well General Skywalker. What brings you to Mandalore?" My Master asks. Anakin had lost his smile and spoke in a serious tone

"The Council sent us to Aid You and the Duchess from Deathwatch the Council informed me that they plan to attack the streets of Mandalore to leave a message for the Duchess." My Master looked confused. "Why was I not informed of this update?" My Master asks. "I don't know," Anakin says.

Before anyone can say anything else Commander Bly runs up to us. "Sir!" he says we all turn to look at him. "Our scout reports just came back there launching bombs in the town square as we speak!" He says

"Get the troops ready for combat and prepare the gunships." My Master says "Yes Sir!" Commander Bly says as he runs in the opposite direction.

"Kelana get ready we're heading back down there," My Master says. "We're coming with you." The Orange Togruta speaks up "Of course we are snips" Anakin says as he gives a small smirk.

We all split up got into separate Gunships and began to take off back to Mandalore.

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