Chapter 5: New Thoughts

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~3rd person POV~

Shade Riggs and Daina started walking back to their neighborhood and to their homes. After Kelana had left with her Master they closed and locked up shop. They also decided to walk home to save credits. The sun was setting, and the breeze was cool this evening as the 3 teenagers walked through the busy market of Mandalore, passing by well-dressed citizens on their way to buy products being sold by vendors.

Riggs and Daina pushed through the crowd of people to get near the end of the market as Shade followed behind slowly with his head down. He was sad but mostly confused about why Kelana's personality changed so quickly she was kind and welcoming, but she saw something she didn't like something inside of him? He didn't understand. Shade pushed through the crowd to catch up to his friends

Riggs: "Why are you in a sour mood?"

Riggs says as he stops and turns around to look at Shade and smirks. Shade didn't answer as he looked up at the two of them.

Riggs: "Is this about that girl? Damn you just met her. She must be a keeper."

He laughs as he says this he stops laughing when Daina hits him on the shoulder

Riggs: (Rubs shoulder) "Oww, what was that for??"

Daina: "He's obviously bothered by something."

They both look back at him, waiting for a response.

Shade: "It's not just about her I've been thinking..."

Daina: "About?"

Shade: "Well, when me and her were talking the other day, she mentioned how she finally got to explore outside of the Jedi temple or whatever it's called. It got me thinking...
maybe that's what I need."

Daina looked at her friend, raising her eyebrow

Daina: "You wanna leave Mandalore?" 

Shade: "Yeah, there's a whole galaxy out there. I wanna explore. Besides, this place is boring and bland."

Riggs: "Yeah, but it's safe here. WE'RE safe here."

Shade: "I never asked you guys to join me, plus you (Points) sound like my aunt."

The 3 of them walked through the rest of the crowd to an ally. This was a shortcut they usually took to save time, plus it was faster they continued to speak.

Shade: (Catches up) "Look, all I'm saying is I don't think I belong here."

Daina: "Well, where do you belong then? Have you thought about that?"

Shade: "No, I haven't YET, but I'll figure something out."

The teens emerged from the ally back onto the street it was crowded with lots of civilians who were shopping and walking around. When all of a sudden there was an explosion. Shade Riggs and Daina looked at the direction of the explosion to see that several stores were on fire and people were screaming and fleeing the area.

Riggs: "What the hell is going on?!"

The teens looked up and saw what appeared to be flying soldiers with jetpacks. They were called "Mandalorians".

The Mandalorians were flying through the sky, firing Blaster shots from above, killing several innocent bystanders they also appeared to be blowing up buildings nearby with rockets on there jetpacks.

Shade: (Ducks to the ground) "Aghh...We gotta get out of here!"

Daina: "Come on back through the alley!"

The teens scrambled to their feet and ran back to where they first came through, but just as they reached the entrance to the alleyway, a Mandalorian fired a rocket just in front of the teens knocking them back and separating them by the explosion.

Shade was knocked onto his back, landing with a loud CRUNCH that knocked the wind out of him.

Shade: (Gasping) "G..G...Guys??"

Was all that Shade could muster as he struggled to get his breath back he laid on the ground, not moving, just gasping for air.

A Mandalorian landed a couple of feet in front of Shade. The tall blue Mandalorian walked slowly towards Shade, stopping a couple of feet in front of him and aimed a blaster at his head

Shade: "W...Wait"

The young teen closed his eyes and braced for pain as he heard the Blaster go off, but he felt nothing. He opened his eyes, and the Mandalorian had a hole burned through his chest he fell to his knees and onto the ground dead behind the Mandalorian was Shade's aunt in her Mandalorian armor.

 He opened his eyes, and the Mandalorian had a hole burned through his chest he fell to his knees and onto the ground dead behind the Mandalorian was Shade's aunt in her Mandalorian armor

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Shade: "Auntie...?"

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