The Poisoned Chalice

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Elizabeth's POV:

          I stood in the corner of the gathering hall, my small form barely noticeable in the shadows of the room. I watched as the king of Mercia, followed by his guards, entered the room with his head held high. He approached Arthur and his father, not a hint of fear written on his face other that the small bead of sweat that formed on his brow.

"Camelot welcomes you, the Lord Bayard of Mercia," said Uther seriously, his face expressionless. "The treaty we sign today marks an end to war and a beginning to a new friendship between our people."

          I curiously poke my head out of the shadows, watching as the two kings shook each other's hands, neither one of them showing emotion. The room instantly filled with applause, for an alliance between the two kingdoms, was slowly beginning to form. My eyes landed on the blue-eyed boy, who seemed to notice me in the corner of the room. He smiled when his eyes met mine, the sweet expression causing butterflies to rise in my stomach. I quickly averted my gaze, blushing intensely as Arthur's chuckles fill the silent room.

                                                                            ^ * ^ * ^ * ^ * ^

          I walked through the busy hallway,  people rushing back and forth as they prepare for the celebration fest being held tonight. Maids walked around with trays of food and flower centerpieces, while servants carried chairs and plates. The kingdom was in complete chaos as everyone prepared.

"Why do I always get landed with the donkey work," Merlin complained to Gaius as he passed by, not acknowledging me.

"You're a servant, Merlin. It's what you do," Gaius explained. 

"My arms will be a foot longer before I get this lot inside," Merlin whined, holding up the two full bags.

"Stop complaining, Merlin. The less you complain, the quicker you get done," I pointed out, earning an eye roll.

"You have no room to talk," Merlin fired back. 

"It's character building. As the old proverb says, "hard work breeds,'" Gaius pauses for a moment. "A harder soul."

"There's no way that's a proverb. You just made that up," Merlin accused. 

"I did not," Gaius insisted. All of a sudden a handmaid fell before us, dropping the fabrics she was carrying.

"Sorry," she mumbled softly, hastily trying to pick up the sprawled fabric.

"That's all right," Merlin said, bending down to help the girl. "Let me help you with that."

I watched as the two made eye contact with one another, small smiles creeping across their lips. 

"Hi," Merlin whispered, his voice shaky. 

"Hi," the girl spoke softly back.

"I'm Merlin," said my awkward brother, extending his hand for her to shake.

"Kara," She said, taking his hand in hers. "You're Arthur's servant? That must be such an honor."

"Uh, yeah, it is," Merlin babbled out, a red hue overtaking his cheeks. "Well, someones got to keep the place running."

My brother then looks over at me and Gaius, his eyes telling us to "go away". Yet we wanted to watch as he made a fool of himself in front of the first girl to show interest in him.

"Well, thanks again, Merlin," Kara said, passing by my love-struck brother, and leaving him speechless. He watched as she walked away.

"Shouldn't you be busy running the place," Gaius spoke, breaking the silence that had formed. Merlin looked back at him, rolling his eyes, causing both Gaius and me to chuckle.

                                                                  ^ * ^ * ^ * ^ * ^ * ^

          Night was approaching quickly and everyone was rushing to finish the last touches in preparing for the banquet. Merlin had disappeared to go find Arthur and prepare him for the fest. I sat in the castle garden on a stone bench, away from the chaos of the preparations. I kept to myself, flipping through the pages of a book that I had read while sitting there. 

"Elizabeth," called a gentle voice. I turned to face my right, spotting Gwen approaching me. "I have your dress ready."

I closed my book, standing from the bench to walk with the girl to my chambers.

"You are going to look gorgeous tonight Elizabeth," Gwen said as she opened the door to my chambers. When I was able to see into the room, my eyes automatically spotting the blue dress draped over a chair. 

"Gwen," I breathed out

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"Gwen," I breathed out. "It's beautiful."

          I approached the gorgeous dress, admiring the beautiful petals that covered the dress. I got dressed with Gwen's help. By the time I was ready, the fest was about to start. 

A knock sounded at my door, pulling my gaze away from the mirror I was looking at myself in.

"Come in," I called, watching as the door slowly opened, revealing Arthur standing on the opposite side of it.

"Wow," he commented, taking in my appearance. "You know, the best part of these banquets is getting to see you looking stunning."

"You don't look so bad yourself," I said, walking toward him. 

"You ready," He asks with a flirtatious grin.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

Written Destinies (Arthur Pendragon)Where stories live. Discover now