The Mark of Nimueh

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Arthur's POV:

          I stood next to my father in the thrown room, anxiously waiting for the Physician's arrival. For there, lying before us, in the center of the room, was an ill man. His skin a pale white, so white that you were able to see is vain's clearly. His eyes were grey and unseeing, as they stared up at the ceiling. And his hands, which once grasped a cup of wine, now lied limply at his side. The red liquid now spilled over the stone floor.

          I was pulled out of my trance by the sound of the large room doors opening. In walks Gaius, Merlin following close behind him. Gaius approached the still body in the center of the room, examining the pale complexion of the man, and the unseeing eyes.

"What happened to him," My father asked from beside me.

"I don't know sire," Gaius answered, looking up at his king with a sad look on his face. "It's the second case I've seen today."

"Why didn't you report it to me," Father asked sternly.

"I was attempting to find the cause," Gaius explained calmly.

"What did you conclude," Father asked.

"I don't think it's time to hurry to conclusions. The scientific process is a long one," Gaius explained.

"What are you concealing from me," My father pried.

"Sire, I have seen nothing like it," Gaius stated. "The victims are dying in twenty- four hours and it's spreading fast."

"But what is the cause," The king asked sternly, growing impatient with the aged physician.

"I think you should say the cause-- the most likely cause is sorcery," Gaius stated. The sound of quiet chatter filled the halls at the mention of sorcery. For no one in there right mind would use magic within Camelots walls. My father turned to face me, a look of seriousness in his eyes.

"You must find who did this," He instructed quietly, being sure that his words were only heard by me.

"I will, father," I assured him.

"Conduct door-to-door searches, increase your presence in the town. Double the guards on all the gates. And lend the physician your servant," My father stated.

"Merlin? But-," I began to question.

"We need Gaius to find a cure. He needs all the help we can give him. If Gaius is right, then believe me, the city will be wiped out," I nodded in understanding. "This is the kind of magic that undermines our authority, challenges all we've done. If we cannot control this plague, people will turn to magic for a cure. We have to find this sorcerer and quickly."

"Yes, father," I said with a nod. I then proceeded to exit the thrown room.

>  >  >  >  >

Elizabeth's POV:

          My left hand clutched the small knife tightly, the blade gleaming in the sunlight. I took a flower in hand, cutting the stem diagonally so that the flower could grow again. When Gwen had asked me if I would like to join her in the palace garden, I couldn't help but smile. So here I was, gathering an arrangement of flowers and vegetables and placing them in my basket.

"Ellie," Came a voice from behind me, pulling me away from my work. I turned to face the owner of the voice, finding Arthur standing there his face serious and stern. I sent him a smile, yet he didn't smile back and for some reason, that worried me. I stood up from my crouched position bringing my basket up with me, and hastily make my way over to the prince.

"What's wrong," I asked, my voice laced with concern.

"I need you to stay within these palace walls," Arthur instructed, his eyes looking everywhere but at my own.

"What? Why," I questioned. Arthur's eyes finally meet mine, yet instead of the happy shine they give when he sees me, they were clouded with fear. "Arthur what is going on?"

"There is a plague going around. Two are already dead, and I don't need you to become the third, okay," He said, his voice rising just a bit.

"A plague," I questioned.

"Yes, a plague, now I need both you to stay within the castle, okay," He instructed again. I nodded in understanding. With that, he turned to retreat back in the castle.

"What about you," I asked, concern still laced in my voice. Arthur turned back to face me.

"I'm going to find the cause," He stated, and with that, he left the garden. Leaving me with many unanswered questions.

>  >  >  >  >

          I paced in my room, waiting anxiously for Arthur to return with word about the plague. After the prince had made his appearance at the garden, giving me the terrible news, me and Gwen had retreated to my chambers. Deciding that it would be best to wait there until we heard it was safe to return to our normal activities. So here we were, Gwen sitting on one of the sofa's in my room with me pacing back in forth in front of her.

"Elizabeth, would you please just sit down. You are going to burn a hole in the floor,"Gwen whined. I looked at her, my eyes full of fear.

"Gwen, I can't. For all I know Arthur could have caught the plague already and may be dying as we speak," I spoke quickly, my breathing shallow.

"Elizabeth... please, come sit," She asked calmly, gesturing for me to come sit next to her. I obliged, taking a seat next to the sweet girl.

"Gwen, people are dying out there and no one knows how to stop it," I stated, my breathing still coming out in short gasps.

"And you're about to die in here if you don't get your breathing under control," She stated, standing up from the sofa and retreating over to the corner of the room. Where the water pitcher and a glass sat on a small round table. She then made her way back to me, carefully pouring me a glass of water. "Here, drink this."

"Thank you," I took the glass in my hands, taking a few sips before placing it on the side table next to me.

"And don't worry about Arthur, he'll be fine. I know he will," Gwen reassured me causing me to smile.

"I hope so," I mumble.

Written Destinies (Arthur Pendragon)Where stories live. Discover now